
146 8 114

december 3rd

Louis's breath caught painfully and he turned away quickly from the "happy" couple. He'd seen enough already- in the news, on his Twitter, even sitting in his own apartment. The happy couple consisted of Taylor Swift and Harry Styles. Louis had nothing against Taylor, he thought she was an amazing singer and songwriter, not to mention her charismatic personality.

But she's not the one who wanted to make Louis run away and hide, not the one who made Niall and Liam look at him knowingly, as if they knew what he was going through, which they didn't. They couldn't.

It was Harry. Harry, his bandmate, his best friend for so long he couldn't remember who he was without him. Harry, who had peed on his shoe and made Louis fall in love. Harry, who only saw him as a friend. For a longer time then Louis would care to admit.

It was Harry who always knew exactly the right to say to him when people said things that weren't true, but that Louis believed anyway, like those who said he was the worst in the band; worst voice, worst personality, worst everything. But Harry wasn't by his side, not the way he wanted him to be. Sure, Niall, Zayn, and Liam were always there to help hold him up, but like brothers, which was different.  He'd never feel brotherly towards Harry again.

Louis was brought back from his thoughts by Taylor and Harry greeting the boys. Zayn had needed to go to his family's house because of "family problems" he had said, but the rest of the band was there.

"Hey, Taylor!" Niall said, gifting her with one of his hugs."How are you doing?"

Louis didn't pay attention to her answer, because his eyes focused on how Harry was looking so beautiful as he shook the snow out of his scarf, and he wondered if Harry knew it. The wind blew his dark curls into his face, making him scrunch up his nose, green eyes crinkling and making Louis smile. Harry just had to be in the vicinity of a room to make Louis smile, or feel the sudden urge to run away. It depended on the day.

He pulled his gaze away from Harry when he understood that a question was being directed at him by Taylor, her hands jammed into her red coat.

"What?" He asked, not hearing her over Niall's laughter at one of Harry's awful jokes.

"I asked when you got that tattoo." Taylor said, smiling.

"Which one?" Louis asked, looking down at his arms. He seemed flippant about it, but really, he knew when and where and why he got every single one of his tattoos. They were his journal, hiding everything he felt for Harry in plain sight.

Taylor jerked her chin towards no specific area of his arm, and said, "The compass."

"Um, couple of weeks ago, actually," Louis said.
"I like it."
Louis had chosen the tattoo because it reminded him that Harry was his home whether he knew it or not.
Louis shivered a little at the strong gust of wind, and wished he had brought a sweater. Maybe I could steal Lima's, he thought, crossing his arms to keep some of the chill out.

"Lou!" came Harry's voice, "You look freezing! Here, take this."

Louis was handed a gray sweater that he could already tell was far too big for him, but still put it on. It did indeed reach close to his knees, and gave him major sweater paws. He tried rolling the sleeves, but gave up. Besides, he didn't mind too much. It smelled like Harry, and it was extremely comfy.

Louis looked up to see Harry smiling at him, "It looks better on you than it does me," he said.

Louis smirked, "Really? Must look drop-dead gorgeous then."

Harry laughed, and Louis was glad he was the one that made him do so. It just felt good.

"Harry," Taylor said, taking his hand, "We should leave if we're gonna make it to the airport on time."
She smiled at the boys, and said, "It was amazing seeing you boys again."

Louis felt his face stretch into as smile, and said his goodbyes to the couple. Taylor did look like an angel, though. The wind whisked her blonde hair around her face, creating a halo. Louis just didn't want her there right then.

But the entire time he watched them walk away, the only thing Louis noticed was how lovely Harry looked.

A/N: Hello! Yes, I made Haylor real, don't hurt me please. Respect Taylor. Anyways, thank you so much for reading, I love you a TON.
Updates will be whenever I can.
Selah out xx

p.s follow @justanotherlar or your arm will become lima's after...breakdancing.

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