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december 18th

"Shit," Liam said, stealing more popcorn from Zayn, "Why did he do that? TAKE THE STUPID LOCKET OFF, POTTER!"

Louis hit him over the head, and stole popcorn from Niall who smacked his hand, making him drop it. They were watching the Deathly Hallows Part One, Liam and Niall for the first time, Louis the fourth and Zayn nobody knew how many. He said he had watched it a few times, at least. 

"Ron, you little fucker," Zayn said, looking at the screen and ignoring Liam's sudden, but understandable, outburst.

Louis, not really invested in the movie as it was his least favorite, was attempting to think of something to give to Phoebe, Daisy, and Lottie for Christmas. He had already picked out Fizzy's Christmas present, a pair of Nike Air Force 1s. She had been wanting a vintage pair for awhile, but had, obviously, never received a pair.

Maybe he could get them cherry headbands or something. He was interrupted from his thoughts by his phone ringing. The caller ID said Harry, and when he picked it up he was greeted with a panicked hello.

"Lou! I don't know what to get Taylor for Christmas." Even though Louis couldn't see him, he could picture Harry clearly. His brow was probably furrowed, his nose crinkled adorably, one hand in his hair.

"Calm down, mate," Louis said, getting off the couch, and headed towards the kitchen that smelled like burnt popcorn and toast, with a side of cheap vodka.

"Christmas is in five days!"

"Yes, that it is. But," Louis started before Harry could reply, "no need to worry, Tommo's on the case. What does she like?"

"Music?" Harry said, and Louis rolled his eyes, but still smiled at the minute attempt.

"Maybe try a little more personal, mate."

"Cardigans, comfort food."

Louis gave a slight sigh, and said, "Well, mate, I believe you should go with your romantic side and do something that's extremely cheesy and cliche."

"Like what?"

"You really do need help." 

"Lou, there is a reason I called you."

"I'm the least romantic person ever, Harry."

"That isn't true. I figured I'd get at least one idea out of you." Harry sounded flustered.

"You should make her a dinner." Louis paused, thinking, "Maybe, like, chicken, wrapped in parma ham, stuffed with mozzarella, with a side of mash. Or something."

"Where the fuck did that come from?" Came Harry's response.

"Jamie Oliver," Louis said, smiling at the sound of Harry surprised.

"Why would you be looking at his recipes?"

Louis shrugged even though he knew Harry couldn't see it. "I was going to make it for my mum."

"I don't want to steal your gift," Harry said, and Louis practically melted.

"It sounds like you need it more, mate.

"Thanks, Lou."

"No problem. You owe me one though."

"M'kay. Bye."

"See y-"

"Oh, your present should be getting there soon!"

"Ca-" Louis started.

"No, you can't open it early," Harry said, interrupting Louis. "Now I really have to go, bye."

"Bye, mate."

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