Chapter 1

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While walking around the forest, I start marking the trees I passed

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While walking around the forest, I start marking the trees I passed. I shrugged off the snow-flakes fallen on my shoulders and dark-mauve hair and then continued walking slowly on the dry snow as it crunches beneath my Almost-worn-out shoes.

 I start climbing a tree and kneeled on a sturdy branch and grabbed my bow and arrow out and started to aim somewhere around a tall tree. I couldn't spot any animals around winter. Around winter the animals start hiding, while we people starve. I Haven't yet found my true powers...Even though you're supposed to get it around 7-8 years old. I'm literally 19 and still haven't found my powers yet. Few people say my powers are going to be super strong that's why I haven't got it yet and some say that's because I'm pathetic, If I'm pathetic why do I have wolf ears and tail? Sometimes I don't get why people say that.

 After kneeling for a while, I spotted a reindeer. These are quite rare as most hunters hunt them down first. I aim at the reindeer and then I stop because I saw the bush rustle. I narrow my eyes towards the bush to get a glimpse of what it is, But I Can't see what the hell is it. People say I have anger issues. so I try not to scream and stuff. After few minutes it pounces on the reindeer and kills it. I gasp silently because it seems as if a gold wolf. Nobody has ever seen a type of wolf-like this and they warn hunters with no/weak/small powers to not go far in the forest, I went just a bit far and did not expect some sort of wolf to pounce. I place my regular arrow in my quiver and grab out an ash arrow and aim it at the wolf's eyes which are in the color of cadet blue and wait for it to stop moving. It stops moving and then I shoot my arrow right at its eyes. I climb off the tree and walked to it while aiming its body with a normal arrow. I shot the arrow right in the middle of its body. It stared at me with eyes twinkling worry but it didn't pounce at me and just died.

 I looked up at the sky to see its already noon. I carry the wolf on my shoulder and the reindeer on my hands. Once I reached it was already setting night and I went inside and slammed the animals in Infront of the door and went to wash my hands. I came out of the bathroom to see Quinn, My sister waiting for me. I ask her "What's up?" and she says "Give me some money for a new dress. I need it for! yea a ball in town which u won't attend clearly." I lift a brow at that "U know u don't need to lie to me." I say and give her the left-over dollars I had left from buying some strings for my guitar. "Eeek! you should have told me u have so much money! you let us starve for dinner yesterday!" I snort at that and walk to the dead wolf and reindeer and say "You guys can eat the reindeer, I will skin the wolf—" 'WOLF?! What are you! some kind of monster to hunt down SUCH A GIANT WOLF AND RISK UR LIFE? DO U HAVE ANY SENSE WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED?!" Quinn says and I stare at her and then move my stare to the wolf and drag it out of the house. After selling the wolf's skin and the wolf I come back to the house and then glance at the garden to see some empty spot. I walk to it and smell there are some potato seeds and I smile softly.

I Walk inside to see my sister sitting on the sofa and giggling with her friend Etain about something. I walk forward at the food my sister has put upon the stove and I stir it. I Take the hot boiling soup and pour 4 bowls of it and then I walk toward father and I placed it on the small table near him. I grab the other 2 bowls and serve them to my sister and her friend (Gladly I DIDNT throw it on their face but I would have done it gladly)Then I walk towards my preserved part of the soup and start stirring and eating it. After I finished I noticed everyone had finished theirs. I go up to Quinn and say "Today is your turn to wash the dishes, dear sister" I smile at her "Can't your ass do it today?" She says. "Nope, And it is more fun if you do it in front of ur beloved friend!" I say. She hisses at me and storms off to the small kitchen with Etain behind her, Storming. I grin and walk to the hallway and before entering my sisters and I room, I remember I forgot to get the strings from the alleyway. I start going out to get to the alleyway. I keep my guitar strings and other musical stuff there for Quinn or Etain doesn't get their selfish hands to them and sell it for money. And Quin would 100% won't come in a creepy alleyway for sure.

After few minutes I get to the alleyway and then I start digging through the pile of small boxes and I find mine in mud. I look around to see if anyone had got it and made it muddy because it wasn't muddy when I last saw it. Then there was a giant—Giant Wolf  falling from the sky. to the ground. I rub my eyes quickly to see if I was just hallucinating but I wasn't. The Wolf was in a latte-type colored skin and when it started to growl I jumped and stared at it. It also spoke, saying "Who got him" I was confused by him at the last because I didn't know who was he talking about but I kept quiet and he repeated it." Who got HIM?"  I said "What do you mean by him? Im confused" And he(because its voice was a boyish voice)said "The golden wolf Nali, u dumbass" spat was a better word for what it did. "I Hunted that wolf and sold it. I'm sorry if that was ur friend or something" I said and obviously didn't mean it because I don't even know him or this so-called Nali.

"You have to die because u hunted a high faerie," He said.

"I—what?" I said.

"I said, you have to die because u hunted a damn faerie, girl," he said and I started to tremble. My life couldn't end like this...No, I won't let it end like this! no—"But there is a loophole, U Can either live at the throne I live in for your entire life or either die." he said. "but—but why?" I said and then he replied, "Terms of the Rules we made with you low-ranked faeries long ago". Which meant I have to leave Quinn(which I was okay with) but dad... He cant—He loves me(And Quinn, Ofc ) And won't like it if I'm not around him...Quinn and dad will starve because I'm the one who hunts food for them, They cant survive on fruits and vegetables." What about my dad and sister?" I said

"I don't know and don't care. You are coming or going to hell" He said.

"What if I don't want either of those?!"

"Then you will be forced to die"

"F...Fine! I'm coming with you! But let me at least go tell dad about this" I said and started walking out of the alleyway to the path to my house.

Once I reached my house, I walked in and went to dad ignoring Quinn and Etain gaping at the wolf. "Dad, Long story short, I have to live my entire life in a different throne now because I hunted and killed one of their damn faerie and I don't want to die yet. Here is all of my money and the guit—" dad cut me off and said "No, Keep the guitar strings and take the guitar with you. I Can't interfere with u going to a different throne but the least I can do is let u take the guitar with you, My fragile rose" He hadn't called me that for a long time and I tried to hold back my tears and got up and went to grab my guitar. I came back and waved at my dad and then I looked at Quinn and said "See you next time if I can, Quinn" Quinn just stared at me and smiled and waved at me. I waved at her good-bye and walked out of the door quietly and I was quiet the whole journey.

Throne Of Dust(DISCONTINUED!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora