𝐕 • misinterpreted signals

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AWSTEN WAS READY TO go home after the first session in the studio. they had gotten lots done; they had tweaked the lyrics slightly and began working on the first and second verses. they had worked on the melody of the song, as well as backing vocals, and began writing the guitar for it. they were making great progress, but it left awsten exhausted as he left the building.

it didn't help that he had stayed up pretty late thinking about a multitude of things. i think you can already guess at least two.

he strolled down the street, definitely not in a rush to get home quickly. he took in the city; the sounds, the smells, the sights. he wondered what it was like for tourists, to come and visit la for the first time, and get to see the city as an outsider. must be nice, he thought.

he was approaching the cafe. he hadn't visited eryn in two days. going in again wouldn't hurt. or was he coming across as too eager?

fuck it, he thought, as he got to the door and pushed it open. there she was, standing at the counter, her blonde hair glowing in the cozy lighting.

"hey, awsten, what can i get you?" eryn asked as he walked up to the counter.

he gave her a smile. "hi, eryn. can i get a cappucino and a chocolate chip muffin please?"

"of course! take a seat, i'll get it to you as soon as possible." just as she finished her sentence, the bell tinkled, signifying that someone had entered the shop. eryn looked up. "otto?"

"hello, stranger." otto greeted her as she got out from behind the counter.

she pulled him in for a tight hug. "i missed you, i missed you, i missed you!"

otto chuckled. "i missed you too, gorgeous."

eryn gave him one final squeeze as he planted a kiss on her temple. "i'm - what are you doing here?"

"i'm back in town for a few days, so i decided to surprise my favourite girl."

at this point awsten had taken a seat, practically a-glow with jealousy. he knew there was literally nothing going on between he and eryn, but it hurt to see her with this otto dude. he wanted to be the one eryn held so tightly, he wanted to be the one kissing her temple, and he wanted eryn to get that excited when she saw him.

he sighed, not wanting to watch the scene any longer. he pulled his phone out, scrolling through his contacts, trying not to seem mad. he found the number he was looking for and rang it.

"hello? hi, jenna, it's awsten. i'd like to book an appointment please."


jawn had just gotten into the apartment building, whistling happily. he had just scored the number of the cute girl at the camera store, and was very pleased with himself. he made his way to the elevators, doing a little heel click, making the receptionist chuckle.

he finally made it up to the apartment, and flung the door open. "you'll never guess what!" he sang, locking the door behind him.

"what's up?" he heard awsten ask from the couch.

jawn walked up to him. "i've just got - holy shit?!"

awsten sat there, confused. "what? oh, this." he realised what had taken jawn by surprise, and ran his fingers through his hair.

"blonde." jawn said faintly. "you've gone blonde."

he gave him a grin. "what do you think?"

jawn sat down beside him. "i'm- you look great, dude! how did we not realise this was your colour? wait, you look like jack frost!"

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