chapter 9

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I say something that goes against every single thing I have ever believed in " yes I will go out with you to dinner, pick me up at six " he nods and leaves. I head back to the house and get ready for my date ill pick up my clothes tomorrow. I put on a black lacey dress and red stilettos. I put my hair up into a cute updo and I head out the door. I head back to kate's place and wait for Damon. he knocks on the door and he says "I have a surprise for you but you have to wait and see " I smile and we head outside into his car. his car is magnificent. he opens the door for me like a gentleman. we get to the greys house and I say " what are you doing " 

he says " we're going for dinner with the family and you can tell them what he did to you" I sigh and nod we get out of the car and we head inside where we're greeted with grace and carrick. we take a seat at the large table and Cristian walks in through the door and he says firmly " Anastasia grey, a word please "I don't have a choice so I stand up and Damon puts his hand on my lap and says " you don't have to obey his every command you know" I whisper to him " yeah i know but you will have me to yourself later I promise "  he winks at me. I head into the office and he says " ana please stay with me I can't lose you not again" I sigh and think about what I'm going to say to him without being harsh I subtly say " Cristian you cheated on me for months on end and you broke my heart so I'm moving on and you should too "I walk out of the office and check my phone there is a message from my mother that says * I told you he is not what you think *. I ignore it and head back in the dining room and take my seat again. we eat and head back to Damon's house or should I say mansion. we make out and it turns very heated very fast, he pins me up against the wall kissing me from head to toe. he lifts me up not breaking apart we head into the bedroom and he makes sweet love to me it has to be the best sex I've ever had apart from the sex with Cristian.  we lay there me on his chest listening to his breathing patterns. it calms me listening to it. I get up and say " do you mind if I get a shower ", he says, " only if it's with me baby " I run away but he soon catches up with me turning the hobs on in the shower and pushing me under the water. he kisses me and I pull him in for a hug he says " hey, what's wrong " he picks me up I wrap my legs around his muscled torso I say " I've just had a hectic couple of days that's all" he says "I saw you looking at your phone all sad what's wrong has someone said something to you " I say "I don't have that great of a relationship with my parents as they used to abuse me when I was younger and she just sends nasty messages " he looks angry I touch his face and he softens he says " thank you for telling me "I smile and bury my head in his kneck. he says  I should let you shower properly. I smile and wash my body with the somewhat girly things I find in his shower. I finish up and wrap a towel around me I head out to the bedroom where I look in the body-length mirror. Damon comes up behind me and says "I prefer you without any clothes on "I smile and grab my clothes and I say " I'm going to have to go back to my place I have to do some house searching " he nods and I grab all of my things get an uber back to kate's and turn my laptop off but it's dead great and my charger is a Christians FFS. I grab my keys and head back to " his " place. I get there and Taylor says " hi Anastasia" I smile and say " just need to pick up a couple of things " he nods and I go in and grab a suitcase  and start pilling most of my belongings into it. i grab all my shoes and everthing i need. i head out and go back to kates. i feel a sudden wave of nausea not like i normally do i stop o n the side of the road and puke out all of the contents of my stomach. instantly feeling better. i head back to kates i get through the door and another wave of nausea hits me i rush to the bathroom.  kate shouts " your not pregnant are you ?" i think about it " no its not possible i used a condom " shit i didnt use a condom with cristian or damon. FUCK . i clean up and get ready for work. i get into work in no time. i start on my manuscripts but i cant consentrate all i have on my mind is being pregnant i mean ive wanted kids with cristian but now were not together and it is such bad timing. i send a mesage to cristian * can you please pic me up a pregnancy test and i will meet you at my office  X* he replies in not time * yes , ill be about ten mins x * i close my phone and start drinking as much water as i can as i know for a fact that you need to pee joto take a test. i drink so much i feel sick . he comes in and passes me the brown paper bag. i head into the bathroom and pee on the stick. i walk back in and wait for whatsfeels like hours. 

the results are finally in im ....

the results are finally in im

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thank you for reading this far carry on reading to find out what happens next xx

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