chapter 11

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time jump.

we have won the custody battle and Caitlyn lives in the apartment above us and I'm just about to pop any day we have named our little boy Theodore Raymond Grey, and he is due in just one week. I'm currently sat in my office with a pint of ice cream. I have a meeting at the house in like 10 mins and I need to make myself presentable but this ice cream is so good. I get a sharp pain in my stomach but I think nothing of it I put the ice cream back in the freezer and straighten myself up. Cristian walks in and I get another sharp pain but it hurts more I double over. he comes rushing over and he says  panicked " is it the baby, are you going into labor" I say "I think so" 

we head to the hospital, the contractions are getting closer together and I'm starting to feel pressure down there and it's not very pleasant. we get there in no time after breaking a couple of red lights. grace is my midwife and she isn't at work so Cristian calls her and she is about 5 mins away but I don't think the baby will wait. I lay down on the bed and take deep breaths. grace bursts through the door in her attire and she says "let's get this baby born " she instructs me to push and I have my husband next to me say "well-done ana you are doing amazing, keep it up " within 15 minutes our baby boy is born. he definitely has Christian's grey eyes. grace passes him to me and Cristian cuts the umbilical cord and then grace cleans me up. people may say I'm biased but he is gorgeous. the family starts arriving and kate and Elliott don't turn up as she is giving birth in the room next to me. I say " we have decided to name our baby boy Mr. Theodore Raymond grey "  everyone gets a chance to hold him and then I decide to go for a shower as I stink. I come out and everyone has gone. I give teddy his first feed and then we go next door to see Elliotts and kate's kid she is called ava grey she is so cute. kate goes for a shower and I hold ava. I say to Cristian " hey you can go get coffee or some food if you want ill be fine I stay with Kate and the kids " he nods and he heads off with Elliott. he says farewell to me. kate emerges from the shower and we sit and talk about plans and how she thinks Elliott will propose to her. I realize he is on the grounds that he asked my authorization and he has this huge thing arranged and everything. we get released a couple of days after the fact and we are back home. Cristian in a real sense will not allow me to do anything he will not allow me to get a beverage myself. I need to converse with him about him returning to work since he is causing me to lose my brain is heavily influenced by him continually. try not to misunderstand me I love him so much however he simply drives me insane at times. I, at last, went to the concurrence with him he will just work on a workday, and afterward, toward the end of the week, he is investing energy with family.

I sit with teddy on the sofa and I make funny faces at him and talk to him and he smiles, his first smile omg this is so cute, I'm in love. the time flies by and Cristian is home already. fuck he is going to kill me I haven't eaten. I grab some food and eat in. I put teddy down in his Moses basket as he is just about asleep. he comes up to me and he says " you should be resting, and where is Gail "I say "I have been resting, and I gave Gail the night off " he looks at me in pure disgust he says " takeaway it is, because I can't cook and there is no way in hell you are cooking " 

I say " right okay let me get this straight, your in a bad mood so you take it out on me, fair enough, take it out on your loving wife you have just had a baby " I walk away and slam the bathroom door.  I strip off and get in the shower it instantly relaxes me. get out and grab some clothes to be exact I put on grey jogging bottoms and a black sports bra so it's easy to access to feed teddy. I walk back out to Cristian disappeared I order takeaway and sit ad feed teddy whilst I wait. Taylor brings the food up and I attempt to cover up he says "it's fine Mrs grey, Mr grey has gone out drinking if you were wondering where he has gone" I say " why don't you and tailor come and eat with me it's not like I can eat all this to myself " he takes a seat and we talk about how much Cristian has gone through and how he treats people isn't exactly right. I say " can you grab me a glass of wine please grab yourself one if you want I'm not bothered "

he says "red or white Mrs grey " 

 I say " red please " 

Cristian burst through the door drunk as hell. I pass teddy to Taylor and I drag him into the bedroom and I say " what we get in a small argument and you get yourself pissed drunk your pathetic Cristian " 

I walk back into the living room and say " Taylor can you grab the Moses basket and put it in the spare room I will be sleeping alone tonight " he nods and does exactly as I say. I go to sleep that night with everything on my mind. 

thanks for reading this far I was supposed to get this  one up on Sunday but I was not in the best place mentally wise xx

I was not expecting to get this chapter up today but here you go xx

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