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I cried into Yoongi's shoulder, everything else around me being drowned out by my cries. My knuckles were red and raw, soon strained as my fists were clenched around my best friends coat collar.

Yoongi held me tightly, a stern look presented on his face. A small frown was present, and his head was tilted towards the sky to prevent his pent up sadness from showing in the form of tears.

My shoulders shook, the mans words of sadness being swept away by the wind, not reaching my ears. "Ara, it's time for you to go up. Pull yourself together, please."

I nodded into his chest, sniffing as I swept my hair over my shoulders with the tilt of my head, my hands on my face to rid myself of stained wet cheeks.

Breathing in deeply, I walk up to my family's caskets. As handed to me prior, a bouquet of Lillies were in my hands, my mother's favorite.

I bent down, laying the bundle of my mothers favorite flowers on top of the two caskets in front of me, not being able to handle the smiles of my brother and mother.

They looked so happy, like they were still here and not about to be buried six feet under. I covered my mouth, shaking as I looked my 12 year old brother's picture in the eye.

Suddenly I felt hands on both of my shoulders, and I felt my weight shift. I was now walking away from my family's graves, with a heavy heart and frozen limbs.

"Let's get you something to eat. You haven't eaten anything since this morning." I shook my head, too full of grief to think about eating.

I hated how uncooperative I was, knowing that Yoongi was just trying to do his best to get me through the deaths of the people closest to me.

"Do you want to go back to my house?"
I shook my head.
"Uh, do you want to go anywhere specific?"
I shook my head a second time.
"Well, let's take a walk around the park to clear your head."

I didn't respond, and Yoongi led me around the park, and then we made our way around the neighborhood. It didn't clear my head at all, and looking at all the happy people around us made me even miserable.

We passed a newspaper stand, and my attention started to focus on the old man behind it. He was waving a newspaper in his wrinkly hand, the words flowing out of his mouth smoothly reaching deaf ears.

Yoongi noticed how I stopped.
He turned to where I was looking, and a hesitant smile creeped up onto his face.
"You want a newspaper?"

I nodded, and we both approached the stand.
I stood off to the side as Yoongi and the old man talked and talked. It seemed as if they talked for hours, but it was really only a few minutes.

Yoongi then exchanged some money with the man, and a fresh new newspaper was placed into Yoongi's hand. He came back to me with quick steps, handing it to me gently.

"Here Ara. I know how much you like the newspaper." I clutch the flimsy stack of papers in my hand, biting my lip as I tried not to cry.

Yoongi immediately understood, and he pulled me into a hug. I cried into his shoulder again, pain spreading all throughout my body.

I wish you were here dad.


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