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Filler chapter

Jung Hoseok my neighbor, hates me.

He hates me and I have no idea why.

Hoseok and I grew up together.
Even though he was three years older than me, we still played together like we were the same age.

At that time my father and mother were still alive. They would take turns watching us, sometimes even joining in.

Four years later when I was twelve and he was fifteen, he started to distance himself from me. He stopped playing with me, he stopped coming over to our house.

If he did come over, he would always play with my brother who was six years old at the time. Yoongi was my other childhood friend, and even with both of us putting our brains together we could not figure out why he hated me.

In eighth grade, when he was a high schooler already- he came to my school just to beat me up. I couldn't defend myself as he was a junior.

After that incident he was never allowed back over at my house. I never saw him again after that. I don't know what happened to his parents either.

After a while, I just started to notice they were gone. He turned mean and grumpy, never coming outside of his house if it wasn't for work or food.

When I was twenty I used to leave treats outside of his door in hopes of mending our broken relationship, but every time he would smash them up with his feet- glaring at me through my window.

I got busy with college and left my house for about two years, and when I came back he was all smiles and giggles. Even though he pushed me away countless of times, I was worried about him.

I mean I never saw the bigger picture, and the changes every time I look his way scares me. I wanted to figure out who Jung Hoseok really was,

If he would let me.



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