What Creeps in the Night - Technoblade Story

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This is a short story based on the Dream SMP. I do not own any of the characters; they belong to the members of the Dream SMP.

For added immersion, I recommend listening to the video above while reading.


Techno stood at the window of his house and looked out onto the front lawn. 

Phill was teaching Ranboo how to make a snowman. 

A blizzard had moved through a few days ago, so there was more snow than usual. 

Techno thought it was weird that, even though Ranboo had been living with Phill and him for more than two months now, he had not once tried to play in the snow. The boy was seventeen, but he always acted so maturely.

Seeing them out there reminded Techno of when he was a kid, and he and his brothers would play in the forest. They would run around playing tag or see who could climb the tallest tree, and when they were tired, they would sit down in a field and listen to Wilbur play a song on his guitar. Wilbur was their older brother, and he loved music; it was his passion. Tommy always fell asleep whenever Wilbur played or sang them a song.

While he looked out onto the snow, one memory stuck out in particular to him. It happened when he was very young. It was the middle of winter, and there was a fresh layer of snow covering everything. 

Wilbur and Techno had gone out to play early in the day. They stayed out until dusk, making snowmen, having snowball fights, and skating on the frozen-over lakes. Phill had told them often that they were not to stay out after dark, but the boys were having too much fun to notice the darkening sky.

When they finally realized the time and began to head back, the stars were out, but the sun was not entirely below the horizon yet. 

They walked through the trees, following their compass back to the house. It had begun to snow again. They were not too far away from home; they knew that, but it would still be a little while before they got back. While they walked, they discussed how angry Phill would be that they broke the rules. 

"Don't stay out past sunset; it's dangerous to be out at night.", Phills words repeated over and over in Techno's head. 

'What was so scary about nighttime anyways?' he thought to himself. He looked over at Wilbur; they were both bundled up in sweaters and thick winter coats and boots. Wilbur had a small ax strapped on his back, the kind meant to chop wood. Phill always made them take it with them when they went anywhere by themselves, in case of emergencies. Looking back on it, it was a good thing he did.

By then, the sun was completely gone. The only source of light the two boys had was the occasional beam of moonlight when it peaked out from behind the clouds. The boys had stopped talking and were walking in silence.

 All of a sudden, Techno heard a noise coming from behind them. 

He stopped and turned around. 

It was faint, and he could not quite make out what it was, but it was not stopping, so he watched and listened. 

Wilbur noticed his brother missing from his side and turned back to face him. "What are you doing? Hurry up; we don't want to be any later than we already are." Wilbur said.

Techno did not move. He was focused intently on the forest, trying to hear every sound in front of him. 

"Techno!" Wilbur shouted. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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