Nothing Like Some Friendly Competition (Brett Talbot)

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 You raise an eyebrow as your best friend tosses his backpack onto the table, slumping into the seat next to you. "What happened, Coach make fun of you in practice? You look like you're ten seconds away from a homicide." Liam Dunbar sighs. "There's been a last minute change in the lacrosse game schedule. We were supposed to be playing Flint Valley, but they swapped out with someone else."

You grin. "I'm going to take a guess. Are you now playing Devenford Prep?" Liam nods, covering his face with his hands. "I'm going to have to stand there and look Brett Talbot in the eyes and pretend I don't want to kill him." You laugh. "Well, if you're team captain I'd hope you'd be doing more than just standing there, but small steps are good too." Liam shoots you a glare. "I thought friends were supposed to be supportive." You shake your head sadly, adopting a mock frown. "Not best friends, I'm afraid. We're allowed to be cruel."

Liam laughs at that, and Mason arrives soon after to discuss the game. The two boys dissolve into a conversation on lacrosse, and you tune out after a couple of minutes. Look, you try your hardest to be involved in lacrosse because it's your best friend's sport, but you draw the line at in-depth run throughs. Everybody has their limits.

Speaking of limits, Liam was going to have to bring his A game for tomorrow's game, not just to win the lacrosse match but to not lose his cool against Brett. You'd known Liam ever since he arrived at Beacon Hills High School, and became best friends soon after that. He'd mentioned Brett a few times, usually regarding lacrosse or the extreme bad luck that caused his rival to be a werewolf as well, but you'd never actually seen the guy in person. Despite this, you feel like you've already got a basic idea down- jerk, athletic, not the type of guy you'd usually hang around. Liam usually steers clear of Brett in conversation, but he clearly doesn't like the guy because of everything the boy had put him through. Now, Liam has to go up against him in a high-adrenaline game with little advance notice. This was going to be great.

Liam's been ready for a while, though. Beacon Hills High and Devenford Prep are among the best lacrosse teams in the county- a showdown was inevitable. You just didn't count on it happening this soon in the school year. On the night of the game, you arrive at the lacrosse field with Mason and the others, and get ready to cheer on your best friend. As per tradition, Liam meets up with you at the bleachers for last-minute pep talks and conversation before he has to take to the field. As you're talking, though, you see Liam grimace as he stares past you at something on the lacrosse field.

"I guess he's here after all." Liam doesn't have to say a name for you to know he's talking about Brett, and you begin to scan the field for this archenemy that you've been hearing about for days. Liam sees you looking and jerks his chin towards one figure striding confidently out across the field, one who's dressed in emerald green. This, at last, is Brett Talbot.

Your first thought is that Brett is way too good-looking to be as mean as Liam claims he is. You know that doesn't make any sense, but yet it's true. You had assumed from everything you'd heard that Brett would be some cynical-looking guy who inspired loathing at first sight, but you can't feel that way at all. From what you can make out across the field, Brett has a crop of light brown hair that curls around his face, and his eyes spark with excitement that can be seen even from a distance.

Liam groans. "You think he's hot. You're no better than Mason." You turn back to him, mouth open in betrayal. "Liam! I do not." Liam rolls his eyes. "You know I can tell when you're lying, right?" You fix him with a perfectly composed stare. "Then listen to my heartbeat right now and see if I'm telling the truth. I'm not interested in Brett Talbot, and you can stop being so quick to judge me because I do have a conscience and I'm not about to run up and ask him out."

Liam grins. "Good to hear. I'd hope not." You sigh dramatically. "You better get out on that field and win before I punch you myself." Liam laughs, and you watch him run out onto the field with the rest of his team, ready to start the game. You take one last look at Brett, then shrug to yourself and walk back up the bleachers. So that's Brett. You'll probably never see him again- you're not a werewolf and so you'd never speak to Brett's pack or even the Devenford lacrosse team. Well, at least you now have a face to put with the name.

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