Saving You (Jordan Parrish)

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If you were a human here, you wouldn't be able to tell much of anything. Smoke seems to drench the air, clogging up lungs and eyes alike with a choking gray thickness. If you listen hard, you can hear the sound of distant screams, probably coming from other floors of the hospital. The lighters flicker on and off intermittently, meaning that there's zero total visibility no matter how hard you look. However, Jordan Parrish isn't human. Not in the slightest.

That's why he's able to look beyond the fear and the confusion of everyone else and focus instead on the sound of footsteps, the heartbeats echoing around him. Yes, the general scent of terror calls to him, clinging to his skin like the smoke, but he can't dwell on it, not now. He has a battle to face, a fight to win. There are people counting on him to look beyond the immediate concerns, to help them defeat the hunters. This is what matters, not the way the smell of death calls to the hellhound lurking beneath his skin.

Parrish hasn't had many years to deal with the supernatural beast who also seems to share his soul, just a couple of months and far too many dangerous encounters for him to sleep as well at night. However, there are times when he's grateful for it, like right now. Something about having glowing eyes, claws and fangs, and the ability to summon up a fire-cloaked, practically unbeatable exterior comes in pretty handy when there are scores of hunters trying to kill him.

The hunters clog almost every turn of the hallways, far too many for the McCall pack to take on. That's why they'd called him here at first, hoping that Parrish would be able to help turn the tide and let the ragtag band of wolves and high schoolers evacuate the hospital safely, but like most of the endeavors started by Scott and Stiles, it doesn't seem to be that easy. The hunters are showing up in droves, and Parrish can only do so much without adding to the pile of corpses that seems to haunt him whenever he closes his eyes. Scott agrees with him that he should kill as few as possible, but that's hard when the fire spirit lingering in his veins seems to thrive on bloodshed.

So, he lets fire race up and down the halls, blocking off the hunters' attacks and creating diversions so Scott and the others can stay alive. The hunters had first shown up at the hospital to threaten not only Scott's mom but Liam Dunbar's stepfather, hoping that the double attack would provoke the famously uncontrollable beta into making mistakes. The rest of the pack had followed the two werewolves to the hospital, helping to get everyone out safely. Now, the innocents have been removed from the scene. The only problem is that Parrish and the others are stuck near the top of the building, too high up to jump from a window and stopped from leaving through the front door by a swarm of overly trigger-happy hunters.

There's a crashing sound, and Parrish turns to see Stiles slump down next to him, taking up a defensive position behind a row of cabinets that had been former homes to countless rows of medication and test tubes. Now, they're half scrap metal themselves, smoking at the edges. Parrish can only hope that the hospital has really, really good insurance- they seem to need it all the time. "We're going to have to make a final attack. Scott and Lydia think there's a chance we can get out, but the group in front of the stairs and elevator is too big right now. We have to find a way to get by them."

Parrish nods, standing up and moving methodically to the exit. Stiles watches him go, noting the way his eyes light up with an unnatural fire as always. Embers and scorch marks rise to his skin as the fire burns through Parrish's body once more, and he's barely taken a few steps out of the door before he has to use his abilities. There's a group of hunters trying to patrol the hallway, looking for the pack, and Parrish coolly raises a fist, knocking them back with a series of blows that leave more burns than bruises.

Once the hellhound has managed to stave itself off from complete destruction of the retreating hunters, Parrish turns back to Stiles, who has managed to pull himself out from behind the meager shelter of the melted medicine cabinet. "Nice showing, fireboy, but that was a small group. There are way more waiting below." Parrish shrugs. "We'll get there when we get there. Come on- is everyone else ready?" Stiles nods, then frowns, his brow furrowing. It's strange to see such a serious look on a boy who usually prides himself on never straying far from his always joking mindset.

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