Sea 1

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I'm a siren. Not a mermaid. A siren. Sirens don't sing and make buddy buddy with the fishes. Well, we do sing, but only if that's our lunch.

You see, I'm the queen of a magically dark and scary place called Atlantica. Close to Atlantis, but not quite. Atlantis is home to the beautiful, majestic, and nice mermaids like Ariel. She's quite a buzzkill I may say. I mean, come on! My mom tried eating your stupid fish once and suddenly we're "banned" to ever coming back. What a let down you know what I mean.

Anyway, back on track. I'm the daughter of Austria and Rowan Pearl. The only reason I became queen at the ripe age of 17 was only because they were attacked and killed by a shiver of sharks. You may think I was sad and cried and all that sappy shit. But no. The reason why is because once a siren child is born it is raised to be ruthless and cruel. Not nice and cuddly. That will get you killed acting like that. So now, I'm sitting on my throne listening to this old geezer complain about how some bitch stole 2 of his fucking clams.

"Your Highness. You must understand that if you let people do this the whole kingdom could fall into ruins." He complained. I replied with a, "I'll see what I can do, but you must understand that the people will do as they please, as long as it's not something that would actually affect my kingdom." "Your Highness, you have to reconsider." As he said this my head snapped up and my face turned sour and cold. "HOW DARE YOU TELL ME WHAT TO DO IN MY OWN KINGDOM! HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY!" Before he could even comprehend what happened I swam up to him faster than lightning and slashed him across the face with my nails. "Next time you try and tell me what to do I will have your head on a pike in front of the castle gates. Do you understand me?" I ask, as he aggressively shakes his head up and down. "Good. Now get out before I change my mind." I speak with a stoic face and monotone face, but if you looked closely you would see a crazy hungered look in my eyes. I watch the man swim away as I sit back down in my throne.

I watch the man's blood drip down my fingers as I smile to myself. Many people would think that is a crazy and lunatic thing to do, but to us it's a regular day on the job. Thats probably why we're not welcome to Auradon. You see, us Atlantics are crazy powerful, but also pure lunatics that wouldn't even blink when slitting someone's throat. King Beast thought that we were to dangerous to ever become apart of Auradon or the Isle. So to ease his consciousness he banished us under Auradon in the deepest parts of the sea. Where the sun is irrelevant and our skin is almost gray. We've tried to swim up to the shore, but we can't make it 10 feet from breaking the surface before a powerful shock sends us reeling back from whence we came. So, we will forever be stuck her hating the people of the land and wishing we could reach the surface.

"Queen Ira. Queen Ira!" "What?!" I snap at my head of magic, Beau. "Ira, we have found something ground-breaking concerning the barrier." At that I immediately ask her to show me and we swim to one of the restricted rooms and open the door, where we find a glowing orb of what looks like a bunch of floating string put together, but we know it's so much more. Not only our life force which helps us stay alive down here, but also the key of what could bring our barrier. I swim in the room with a crazed smile and a glint of hope in my eyes. "Please tell me it's time. Can we finally get out of here?" I ask eagerly. "It's complicated." I roll my eyes, "What do you mean it's "complicated"?" "I mean yes it's working but its only big enough to send one of us.", Beau says. "Well, we all know who will be going don't we?" I say with a Cheshire grin. "You? Your Highness?" "Exactly Beau, I will venture to the pathetic world of land people and bring them to their knees." "Ira, if you do this you have to leave now." "Well then, get my bags packed. It's time we show these posers who the real villian is." And with that I swim out the door and prepare myself of finally breaching the surface.

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