Sea 2

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I'm sitting down in my throne made of shells, seaweed, stones, and bones from people who tried to defy us over the years. It's really quite comforting. I look over the crowd of subjects below me anxiously waiting of what could be so important that I had to call a meeting.

"I know you all are anxious to why I have asked you to come here. I'm here to tell you that I will be venturing to the land of the people." The crowd begins to whisper. "Silence." The crowd continues to speak. "I SAID SILENCE!" Immediately the crowd of people lowers their head and waits for their queen to speak again. "As I was saying, I will be going to the land of the people. My head of magic, Beau, has told me that the barrier is broken, but will not stay open for very long and is only big enough for one person. So, as queen I will go to land, conquer their kingdom, break down our barrier and bring you all back home to where we rightfully belong!" As I say this in a powerful and regal voice the crowd explodes into cheers and sounds of triumph. "Now make no mistake, I will not make any promises other than that I will do my best into bringing us back into the world, before King Beast and his family took it. I must leave now, but I will be back and I will bring us home." I swim off my throne and swim to my chambers where I pick up my necklace my mother gave me. As I'm walking out the door Beau stops me with her hand and asks me, "are you sure?" "Are you doubting me?" I ask with a look in my eye that could kill if it could. "No, your Highness. I just wanted to make sure. This is a dangerous mission where you could end up dying. The kingdom needs you to be here. To keep things in order." I look at Beau with a look that says "are you serious?" "That is why I have left the castle in your hands while I'm gone. There is no one I trust more than you." Beau looks up at me with gratitude before giving a small thanks and walking with me out the door. Before I walk out I see my sword on my wall and swim to grab it. Once I grab it we walk out the door, before I left I also announced to the kingdom that Beau would be in charge.

We make it the barrier where I can clearly see the gap in it. As I look at the gap anger starts to bubble inside of me. 'How dare they leave us to rot. To cast us aside and treat us like shit.' I think to myself before snapping out of it. I swim up to Beau and grab her by her shoulders and make her look up at me. "While I'm gone you will rule with an iron tail and will take zero shit from anyone. You have my whole permission to behead or punish someone you see fit. Do you understand?" "Yes ma'am." "Good." I say. I swim up to the gap and put my hand through. Immediately I feel the surge of my magic flow through me and I smile so wide I thought my face would break. With my crown on top of my head and my sword on my back I swim through the gap and relish in the world that will soon be mine.

I take in my surroundings and immediately notice the bright sun. I groan in annoyance and cover my eyes. Once I get used to it I take a deep breathe and feel every ounce of magic I ever felt double. The magic in my veins, locket, and sword flowing through me as if it was always there. I open my eyes and look around seeing where I am. Deciding I can't really see where I am I swim up to the surface. Every swish of my tail cautiously moving skeptical because I feel as though I'm gonna get zapped any second. I've tried before, but it only resulted in a scar that completes many.

I break the surface more excited then I've ever been. "It worked! It really worked." I say breathlessly. I look to my left and immediately my anger takes over. I have to stop myself from swimming to Auradon and ripping the people limb by limb. Instead I look to my right where I see the Isle of the so called villians. I float there for a few minutes considering my options. "I have to be smart about this if I want to pull this off. I could do this by myself, but I don't want to take any chances. After all my kingdoms at stake." I say to myself. I think back to my time when I was reading in my room and stumbled across the tale of "The Little Mermaid", honestly that was the most pathetic book I had ever read. I mean come on, you leave your kingdom just so you can fuck a guy and have legs. What a dumbass! Whatever, as I was thinking a name popped into my head, "Ursula," I say. "That's it! I'll get that sea cows help. Surely she'd love to take down those wannabe royals." I stare to swim towards the Isle when I hit something. "Ow! What the hell?" I reach my hand out realizing this must be the barrier between Auradon and the Isle. I start to focus on my energy and magic, trying to make it separate the barrier. Seeing I can't just use my energies, I realize I'll have to sing the song sirens use to amp their powers. With a grunt of annoyance I start to sing.

🎶🎶Hear my voice beneath the sea
Sleeping now so peacefully
At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity
Nah oh nah oh nah oh nah oh nah oh nah oh nah oh nah oh🎶

I was about to keep singing, but luckily I felt my hand start to break through the barrier. Just enough to where I could slip in. I laughed at how useless the land people were. Our barrier was 10x stronger then the Isle's because since sirens are so powerful, barriers like this would've been like cutting through a dolphin you just caught. Like butter.

I swim to the surface trying to figure out where Ursula could be. As I'm about to head left I spin around in the other direction where I catch a strong smell of fish. "Predictable. The octopus hangs out near the sea port." I hurry and swim towards the dock getting ready to go out. "Get ready Ursula. It's time to go home." I say with a smug smirk.

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