Part 4

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I walk through the door to see the Sea Witch putting a red looking substance on her lips. "Who in the hell is bothering me!"She snaps. She looks up from the mirror and I almost see a glimmer of fear before it dissappears. "That's no way to talk to a queen is it you useless kabob." I state. She stumbles around her words for a second before straightening herself out.

Even though I never even met Ursula, my parents told me about her disgusting failure. I mean come on! How is stealing a mermaids voice gonna help you take over the ocean and inevitably the world. If it were me I would've used that mermaid to lure out the King himself and then kill him when he comes to save his precious daughter. But hey? Everybody has their poison when it comes to world domination.

"So ursie, you gonna ask me why I'm here" "Why are you here?" She says with an attitude. "No need to get snappy. I'm here because I need your help." She looks at me waiting to continue. I stop for a moment to look what seems to be a useless artifact. "As you can see I'm out of my barrier which means that I can get to Auradon." "And how are you gonna do that. They'd trap you in a fishnet and sink you to the bottom of the ocean." She says with a scoff. Now pissed off I take the sword off my back and press it against that bitches chest. "Listen her you piece of shit. You have no idea what I'm capable of and I sure as hell know you did not just undermine me." Before she can speak I raise my hands over her mouth so she doesn't speak. As I wave my hand over her mouth my eyes glow a vibrant blue.

Ursula looks at me with shocked eyes as she tries to speak, but fails miserably at. "I know what you're thinking. How is it possible that I can use magic in this trashy ass place. Well I'll tell you why " I say with exaggerated facial expressions and hand movements. "You see, unlike you and your useless excuse for magic, my magic comes from within. Something much stronger. You can't just take away the magic I have. That my people have. Why do you think Beast feared us so much. Why did he build a third barrier just for us. Because he fears us much more than he'll ever fear you." I look at the octopus with a glare and snarl. She looks at me as if this is the first time she's ever heard about this. She tries to speak again, but realizes yet again that she can't. Getting bored my hands wave across her face so she can talk again. "Now that we've had our lovely discussion, let's talk about the task at hand. Mhmm?" The witch gives an annoyed look before shaking her head. "What do you need?" She says reluctantly. I clap my hands and give a cruel smile. "Good question. You see in order to win this "war" I'm gonna need soldiers and I thought that you would know some good ones. I was thinking maleficent or maybe the infamous Captain Hook." She thinks for a moment before speaking again. "Well, if you want soldiers it sure as hell ain't gonna be them. Maleficent's a lizard and the "infamous" Hook is a drunk that can't keep it in his pants." I scrunch my nose in disgust. "If you truly are looking for soldiers then you got the best damn crew right here." "What do you mean? All I saw out there were idiot kids and filth." Ursula looks up at me with a glare. "Those idiot kids you're talking about are some of those infamous villians kids." "Like who?" I ask intrigued. "The three that come to my mind are Gil, Gastons son. Harry, Hooks kid, and Uma, my daughter."

I look at her for a few seconds before busting out laughing. "Are you kidding me! The wannabe pirates who play dress up! Wow, that is priceless!" I swipe at a nonexistent tear from my face. "How dare you laugh at me! I am a queen! The disrespect!" I stop laughing immediately and look at her as if she's grown three heads and legs. "Excuse me. What did you just say to me?" I creep towards her slowly with my hands that have started glowing from anger. I back her up against the wall. She doesn't even try to hide the fear on her face. I put my hand underneath her chin digging my nails into her skin. I get dangerously close to her ear and speak, "you? A queen? Honey you aren't even a peasants. At least peasants know their place. You are nothing but scum at the bottom of the sea floor." I spit in her face with look that could kill. "If you ever disrespect me like that again I will kill you and your shrimp of a kid. The only reason I'm not killing you right now is because I'm in use of you. Remember that." I back away from her face and she moves away from me as if I'm a disease. I laugh dryly at her. "I'm not gonna say I'm sorry cause I'm not, but I'm telling you those three are the best shot you got." I take a deep breathe and look up while pinching my nose. "You know what? I'll find the people myself. All you people are useless anyway." Ursula turns back to her mirror, her dignity coming back slowly. As Ira walks towards the door Ursula mumbles something just loud enough to where she thinks Ira can't here, but she does. "Stupid brat. Thinks she owns me. Talking to me that way. Knew I did right by sending those sharks to kill her idiotic parents." I touch the door knob, but the second she finished that sentence all I saw was red. "What did you say?" I said slowly. I could've sworn I saw her eyes pop out of her sockets. She looked away from me. "No-nothing." She stuttered. I walked towards her slowly with bright blue eyes and glowing hands. I stood right beside her and turned her face towards me. "Did. You. Kill. My parents?" "That's ubsurd." She mumbled. "Don't lie to me witch! Tell me the truth. Did you or did you not say you killed my parents. Hmm?" She bows her head and eyes down, but when she looks back up she's smiling an evil grin. "Yes. I did kill your parents and it was the best decision I ever made. Contoured just enough to send those sharks to them. They got what they deserved! Treating me like garbage and tossing me aside! They deserved to die!" At that I screamed in anger and put my hand around her throat squeezing until she was barely breathing. She strangled for air, but I wasn't letting go. I decided that I was gonna turn her into dust. "For your crimes against Atlantica, I Queen Ira, hereby sentence you to death." I say with a with a grin. Just as I was about to turn her into ash a certain hooked pirate barges through the door. "Queenie! We have a problem!" I look at him before turning back to Ursula. "Can't you see I'm busy you cod fish!" I concentrated again, but he interrupts. "Come on. You can talk to her later." Talk more like kill. "I don't take orders from you, you stupid pirate. Now leave me be!" I yell. He gives a smirk before talking in a sing song like voice. "It has something to do with dear old Beastie and King Ben." I snap my head at him seeing him shake his head in a yes manner.

With a yell of annoyance I let go of the octopus, who is gasping for breathe. "Don't think that just because I'm leaving means that your safe. One way or another you will die Ursula. By my hand." I turn to walk out the door following Harry, but before I do I manipulate water that's in a glass to surround the witch's head and suffocate her for a bit. I smirk in success and then finally follow Hook through the dim-lightened hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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