Sea 3

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I peek up out of the water checking to see what's there. Really there's nothing though. Everyone's lazy and dirty. They have no respect for themselves! "UH. This may be harder then I thought." I close my eyes and start to focus on changing my tail into legs. I start to feel the energy around me change. Bubbles surround me as my tail thats swishing up and down turns into legs that are going different directions just to keep me afloat. "I really fucking hate this." I say with a snarl. Having human legs is like asking sirens to be friends with their food. Impossible. Thankfully, I quickly get the hang of it and manipulate the water to push me up onto the dock. I take a step on the wood as land people start to look at me.

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"What are you looking at!" I yell at the people

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"What are you looking at!" I yell at the people. They quickly look away scared out of their minds. I chuckle darkly. I look down and see what I'm wearing. It looks like a corset with a mesh top with sleeves underneath and a skirt with two slits going down the side. Through the sleeves you can see my tattoos that represent my kingdom. I look at a broken mirror and see that there are these shapes on my eyes that go all the way around and black lipstick coating my lips. I look down and see my neck has a big ass choker on it, "Damn I'm hot." I say slyly. My black raven hair cascades down my shoulder with my crown sitting high on my head. "Now this is what royalty looks like." I stand up straight and head to where I hear yelling. It's dark outside, but my eyes are accustomed to the dark so its not a big deal.. As I reach the doors I look up at the sign that says 'Ursulas Fish and Chips'. "At least I know I'm in the right place." I mumble.

I push open the doors, my boots click against the floor. I look around the room to see pirates drinking, laughing, and pushing eachother around. Two in particular catch my eye. One has beautiful black and teal braids cascading down her back. She's wearing a blue corset with a blue mesh underneath. As I look down she has a flowy skirt that you can't help but look at when she walks. I look at the second pirate that's caught my eye. He has bright blue eyes with eyeliner surrounding them. He's wearing a shredded white tee with a red vest over it. I see that he's got a sword which puts me on edge. I look at his hands where I see fingerless gloves, but that's not what peaks my curiosity. It's the hook that he has in his hand that does. After observing my surroundings I start to get annoyed seeing as they don't see me.

"Uh-hem! Excuse me, but where can I find Ursula?!" I yell loudly enough to where all of them stop and stare at me. The girl with the blue hair slowly walks towards me. "Who are you?" She says slowly. "Where's Ursula?" I ask impatiently. "Mmmm. She's not in right now. Can I take a message?" Her voice drips in danger and I love it. Before I can say anything I feel a sharp metal touch underneath my jaw. I turn my eyes to see it was the pirate with the hook. "Hello las. Who are ye and what are ye doin here?" He has a bit of crazy in his voice and I just get curiouser about him. I smirk up at him and give him a deathly cold stare. "That's none of your business who I am or what I'm doing here. I only came here for Ursula. Now where is she?" As each word I spoke my anger builds up more and more. "Sorry las, but like Uma here said. She's. Not. Here." He points to the blue haired girl which smirks with a triumphant hmph. That really pushed me over the edge. "You really should've just told me." I scoff. My eyes start to turn pitch black as I take my sword out that starts glowing. As I put it by my side it looks like it's on fire and had grown twice its length.

I start swinging my sword at the boy pirate who immediately takes out his sword blocking me. I snarl at him and go at him till he's backed against a wall with both out blades at his throat. "Wait stop! Don't hurt Harry! Please!" She yells. "Harry." I drawl out the name as if I'm testing it out. "Well Harry. If you want to live I suggest you bring me to Ursula or I swear on the seven seas I will kill you and every goddamn person in this place." Harry looks like he's keeping his cool but on the inside he's freaking out. "Fine. I'll take you to her." Uma says. "Now that wasn't so hard. Was it." My eyes go back to normal and I push myself off of Harry. I put my sword behind my back where it dissolves itself back into my skin. I look at Harry and reach to touch his cheek, but he flinches. I laugh and instead take his hat and put it on my head. I start to follow Uma as she walks off. As we're walking Uma asks me a question. "How do you know my mom?" I keep a neutral face on the outside, but on the inside I'm a little surprised. "Well let's just say I know someone who knows her." I say vaguely. The only reason I knew about Ursula other than reading books was because of my parents. Apparently they knew her before the whole lock up barrier thing and were friends or some boring shit like that. I snap out of my thought as I hear Uma knock on the door. "Mom. Someone's here to see you." We wait for a second before someone yells. "Child! What did I tell you about interrupting my naps!" "Mom. She says she knows you!" Uma says with as much sass and annoyance as her mother. "Fine! Send her in." "Good luck." Uma says before turning away. As soon as I see she's gone I take a deep breathe, turn the knob, and open the door walking in.

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