Chapter Twenty-Four

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Michael's POV
I came home late at night. I made a plan with the other angels. We had to take the outcast out by surprise. Find a location where there are many of them gathered together and take them out. We had to go over possible locations and times. But first we had to follow some of them around discreetly to figure out their schedule. We would spread out into groups to cover more ground. It's going to be difficult but we have to strike back. Hard. I landed on the balcony, eager to see Scarlett, she should be home from work by now. I walked out of the balcony and immediately sensed that something was wrong. I quickly looked around and saw that the door to her bedroom was hanging open from only one hinge. My heart rate started increasing. I went and examined and saw signs of struggle. Her gun was on the floor, and the shell casings were scattered around. I went into the bathroom and saw the scissor on the floor. I clenched my hand into a fist, my body filling with rage. Whoever did this was going to pay. I scanned the room for any more clues and saw something written on the corner of the mirror. I quickly walked toward it and saw the letter G on it, in Scarlett's handwriting. Gabriel. I existed the bathroom, not being able to think clearly. My only though on Scarlett. Terrified of what Gabriel might do to her. Is doing to her. I stepped on something and looked to see what it was. Her locket, the one she always wore. I bend down to pick it up, anger boiling up inside me more and more as I clenched the locket in my hand. Using my anger, I jumped from the balcony and opened my wings, flying through the night to save my love.

Scarlett's POV
I woke up with pain on the right side of my face. Why do these things keep happening to me? I groaned as I stood up and looked at my surroundings. It's as if I've jumped into another time period. Everything looked old and antique. The room itself felt old. I was in a queen sized bed with light brown covers and a duvet. In the room there was an antique wooden table on the left side of the bed. And a small closet on the right side. Along the wall there were some abstract paintings and a window that was located next to the bed. There was also a door a few feet away from the bed and another door on the right side of it. I got out of bed and walked towards the front door. I tried to open it. Of course it's locked. It would be too much to ask if the door could actually freaking open, I thought feeling irritated and sick of all this. I went to open the other door but it was just a bathroom. I looked outside the window, which had thick metal bars and was shocked by the view. All I could see was darkness and fog. There was nothing else around. I couldn't even see the ground. Where the hell was I? Hmm, maybe I just answered my own question. I hear the door open and Gabriel steps in.
"Ah, you're awake. That's good. Again I apologize for hitting you, but you were being way too loud."
"I'm sure you are." I said adding as much sarcasm to my voice as possible.
"Believe what you want." He said moving closer to me. I wanted to move back, repulsed by him but I stood my ground not wanting him to know that I'm afraid.
"Gabriel, let me go. Michael is not going to do anything you ask of him."
"He will, when he knows that I have you."
"No he will not. He will not sacrifice the safety of the city and the lives of thousands of people just for me. You're more crazy than I thought if you actually believe that."
"I think other wise. And I know you do too." He said, his face only a few inches from mine.
"Tell me, what do you see in my brother?" He said as he started caressing my face.
"Well for one, he didn't kidnap me." I said as I jerked my face away from his hand.
"Awe, come on now. Are you always going to bring it back to that? I said I was sorry."
"Ok. Let's think about other differences between you and Michael. Hm, let's see. Oh yeah!
How could I forget? He didn't start a war against humans, wanting to bring extinction to humanity! What else? He's also not a fucking psychopath either, unlike you!" At that Gabriel got angry and slapped me against the face. Not as hard as before making me fall unconscious, but it still stung.
"You better watch your tone. I'm treating you with kindness right now. But I could make your life a living hell." He stated as he turned around and started exiting the room.
"You already did!" I yelled, as he slammed the door shut and locked it. Tears of frustration and anger started falling down my face. I sat down on the bed, missing Michael so much that it hurt.

Gabriel's POV
"You already did!" Scarlett yelled as I locked the door. I hated having to hurt her. I have to gain her trust, make her not loathe me. If I can get close enough to her I can get her to tell me all of my brothers plans, since I'm sure that he tells her everything. Or maybe I don't even have to try that hard. As soon as Michael realizes that I have her, he will do anything to save her. That's his weakness, always has been. She could be the key to winning the war.

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