Chapter Four

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I awoke with a really bad headache. I opened my eyes, but it took a while for them to adjust to the light. After I could see clearly I looked around to see where I was. I was sitting in a large round bed with red sheets. Around the bed there was a transparent light yellow drape that hung from the ceiling. The bed was located in the middle of the room, and there was nothing else around. The whole room was circular, with a high ceiling. A couple of feet from the bed were two glass doors that led to a kind of balcony. It was dark outside. I could see two other doors to my left side and another door to my right. Where was I? I jumped as I heard a voice behind me.

"Good. You're awake." The voice said, as I turned to look who it was. Behind me a tall guy, probably six feet, stood with his hands behind his back staring at me. He appeared to be in his early thirties, maybe late twenties. He had dark hair that was swept to the side, with only a few strands that fell on the right side of his forehead and he had dark blue eyes. He was wearing a long brown overcoat made of leather, with dark jeans that were tucked inside his black boots. He was lean and muscular. He had full, luscious lips that looked sweet and kissable. I realized I was checking him out and I started blushing furiously. I looked away and asked

"Where am I?"

"In my home." He said in a calm voice.

"How did I get here?" I asked wanting to find out everything that happened.

"After the outcast dropped you, you hit your head, as you probably recall. Before you could hit the ground I caught you. You were unconscious so I took you here. I'm sorry for not catching you before you hit your head, but as soon as the outcast dropped you, he attacked me, and unfortunately got away. I was more concerned about getting to you." He said as he moved around the room stopping in front of the bed. He towered over me, making me feel so small. I had to crane my neck to look up at him. His face was serious, it felt as if he was observing me, waiting for something. I started remembering everything before I hit my head. And realized that he's Michael the archangel.

"You're Michael?" I asked, wanting to make sure.

"Yes, I am." He said with a raised eyebrow, curious about what I will do with that information. But I couldn't say anything because at that moment it hit me. My mom is dead. She's lying on the side of the road dead. And I left her there, I just ran. Like a fucking coward I ran. It's my fault she's dead. It's all mine. What kind of cop am I? What kind of daughter? And the fucker got away. I felt the tears coming like a waterfall, but I tried to keep them back, not wanting to cry in front of Michael. He must have sensed my saddened state, because he took a step forward but then thought better of it, and went back to standing in his spot.

"If you could tell me where you live, I could take you home." He said.

"I...I...this is embarrassing but I don't live anywhere exactly. Before I reached the city the outcast took me. So I haven't really had time to rent an apartment or get a job and find out how things work around here." I said, in a tiny voice which always happens when I'm nervous or embarrassed.

"That explains why you were outside the city after curfew." He said. He saw the confused look on my face so he continued.

"As you've probably seen on the news, I'm here along with the president of the United States, and others who are part of the government. As you know, my intentions are to help the humans against my brother Gabriel and his outcast. The angels that are on my side, patroll the streets and help new people that come here get settled and reassure them that they are safe here." I caught him off and asked

"And are we? Safe here, I mean."

"I'm not going to lie, and say that we're completely safe. That no harm will come to you because it's not true. But you're safer than you would be out there, outside the city. Me and my angels are doing everything we can to keep all the humans safe and the city secured. Which is why we're building a wall around the city to make it harder for the outcast to get in. Until then everybody has to be in their homes by nine o'clock sharp. I know you might not like that but it's for your protection. You are all expected to follow all the rules that are given. And the most important rule is that no human can go outside the city wall. Failure to do so will result in punishment. Other than that you are all free to as you wish, as long as it does not involve any violent activities." He said finishing his speech.

"It kind if sounds like your trying to control us." I said defensively.

"I know it might look like that, but were just trying to keep you safe. Which is why the rules are going to be a bit tight around here. I apologize if you're not happy about that." He said not looking sorry at all. I didn't say anything. I knew that anything that I said will have no affect on him.

"Now, since you don't have a home, you could stay here until you get settled. If you would like, that is." He said waiting for my answer. I thought about it for a while and I figured it was my best option. In the morning I would go back where I left the car and get the money. And I would give my mom as much of a proper burial as was possible.

"Ok. Thank you very much for helping me. I really appreciate it." I said really grateful for his help.

"No problem. You could sleep in here or in the other bedroom." He motioned to one of the doors to my left.

"In the other bedroom, if that's ok." I said. It had a door and I really needed to be alone right now so I could cry my eyes out.

"It's fine. I'll lend you a pair of pants and a shirt since your clothes don't look very comfortable." He stated. I was wearing a black long sleeve shirt, dark skinny jeans and black flats. My jeans were covered in dirt and they were ripped at the knees from all the falling as I was running away from the outcast.

"You could also take a shower." He said, again motioning to the door next to the other bedroom on my left side. A shower sounded really good.

"Thank you." I said again. He smiled for the first time, and I would be lying if I said he didn't have a charming smile.

"I'm going to go get you the clothes." He said as he went into the other bedroom. A few seconds later he came back holding black sweatpants and a black short sleeved shirt. It seemed that everything he owned was black. But then again, so did I. After another thank you I went into the bathroom. It was pretty spacious. A long and wide mirror hanged on the wall above the sink, between the toilet and the tub. Everything was white and clean. I took a hot shower and brushed my teeth with my fingers since I didn't have my toothbrush and there was no way I was going to sleep without brushing my teeth. I put on the clothes he gave me. His shirt smelled really good. Wow, can I be anymore of a creep? The pants looked kind of baggy on me, so I folded them from the waist so they wouldn't drag on the floor. I folded my clothes and something fell out from the pocket of my jeans. I picked it up and realized it was the heart locket that my mom gave me for my 18th birthday. I opened it and on one side there was a picture of me and her that we took on that day. On the other side there was a picture of me when I was little, my mom, and grandma before she died. And now they're both dead. I put the locket around my neck and sighed. I exited the bathroom and saw that Michael was on the balcony. I thought about just going to bed, but that wouldn't be right. I had to thank him again and say goodnight. I went to balcony. Before I could say anything he turned around and looked me up and down. I felt so self conscious. I wasn't exactly happy with my body and looks. I had long light brown hair, brown eyes and I was five seven. I didn't have the long legs or the flawless figure. I wasn't fat, since I was a police officer and I had to stay in shape. But I didn't have the perfect body either. You could say I was about average.

"I just wanted to thank you again and say goodnight." I said shyly.

"You don't have to keep thanking me. Goodnight." He said turning back around. I went into the bedroom and opened the light.

It was a big bedroom. There was a queen size bed against the wall and two nightstands on either side. The one on the right had a lamp on it. There was also a big wooden closet on the left side. And a full length mirror hung on the right side of the wall, which was next to a wooden medium sized table. After I finished observing the room I got into bed. It was the first time I laid in a bed since we left. It felt so good. The sheets were soft and cool. The pillow was so comfy. I got under the covers and thought about my mom. She's not lying in a comfortable bed. She lying dead on the pavement. That's when I let the tears out and I started sobbing. I had to cover my face with the pillow so Michael wouldn't hear me. I cried and cried until I fell asleep, holding the locket in my hand the whole time.

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