The Impact of Death & Needed Comfort

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Kasumi's POV

Mist covered the entire battlefield,clouding everyone's vision and obstructing everyone's view of the field as I watched Sir Nagaro stand before the enemy with his katana,held in his hand with a tight grip and his spheres of fire,floating about the area as the heat evaporated the ocean water,creating the mist that covers us now

Sir Nagaro's eyes were blank and devoid of life as an eerie and unsettling glow of gold in his eyes,was the only thing letting us see his face as he stood alone before the enemy while his ship rigging glowed brightly before dying down,to reveal that all damage sustained had suddenly vanished out of thin air,surprising everyone,including the enemy

He was completely silent and he did not move a single inch as he stood above the motionless,ocean surface while holding onto his sword while more spheres of fire formed in the area,whilst silence ensued

Not even the downpour of the rain could make the ocean surface move as the droplets of rain just seemingly vanished as soon as they hit the surface of the water,it was if the ocean itself was trapped in a void of unmoving time

Above us all and in the sky,Enterprise floated in the air above us with her eyes slightly widened at the sense of unending fury and rage within Sir Nagaro as her eyes replicated a similar golden glow,that let us see her face

It appeared as if she also could not believe,the feeling of power within him as everyone could sense the continuously growing power inside him,which seemed to not be stopping anytime soon

The Carrier held her bow in her hand with a tight grip as she stared down at a Sir Nagaro,who was looking up to her with a blank expression on his face

It was unnerving as he stared up to the enemy with an expression,that was devoid of life or any emotion,the glow of his eyes never ceased,in fact,it seemed to be glowing even brighter now as he continued to stare up to Enterprise

At the same moment,swirls of fire and flames surrounded Sir Nagaro,creating an aura of fire around him,with him as the center,the flames circled around him and above him,stopping only a few feet above his head as the flames gave him an even more menacing look and feeling as the flames,that circled him,turned black from red,adding more to the ominous look

I found myself quivering as I looked at Sir Nagaro,he was merely standing still but the feeling of dread and despair was in the air,the mere pressure of his presence was suffocating,it was is as if the gravity of the whole world had also tripled in power,it was as if the whole world itself was trembling

I found it hard to breath as I couldn't muster the strength to even speak or move,I wanted to go Sir Nagaro's side to see if I could quell his anger and rage,even by just a little bit but I couldn't move an inch,my own legs wouldn't budge under the pressure and I was stuck in place

Almost everyone was stuck in place,under the pressure,that Sir Nagaro was emitting as we all looked at him to see him raise his katana to Enterprise while the Carrier in the sky readied herself,for what comes next

Nagaro:you've killed her-, I will kill you

In a fraction of a second,Sir Nagaro vanished from his spot with a loud bang behind him,blasting away the water underneath him and creating a small whirlpool at,where he was standing at as I tried to follow his movements,that were now much faster than before

It was almost impossible to follow him as I found it hard to keep up with his movements,until he slowed down and appeared right behind Enterprise with his sword overhead,ready to strike down the enemy carrier

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