Meeting and Greeting II.

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Dream's Pov

Wake Up Call

 Dream wakes up to banging on his door yet again. He looked up from the bed he was laying in, then looked across the room to see if Sapnap ever went to bed last night. But the bed was empty. Until he heard groaning, he assumed Sapnap never came back to the room, but he looked down onto the floor to see Sapnap laying on the floor, wrapped in a blanket with Patches curled in his lap.

"Ugh it's too early for this shit." Sapnap said, groaning into the floor.

"Sap, you do know you're laying on the floor right now, right?" Dream asked, yawning. Sapnap snaps his head upright, and looks all around him. Dream decided to get up and as doing so he tripped over Sapnap.

"BRO! Get up already!" Dream kicked his leg. Sapnap looked up a little from his phone so he could see only his eyes glaring at him.

"HOW DARE YOU KICK ME, SIR." Sapnap yelled at Dream

"Oh please, I barely even touched you." Dream replied, rolling his eyes. A voice started to speak outside the door, one that he wasn't familiar with. He walked over to the door to investigate and opened it. Dream looked out into the hallway and only saw the wall, so he looked down the hallway and saw nobody.

"Hey my eyes are down here!" The voice said again. Dream looked down and completely froze., a small, dwarf-like, blue diamond man was standing before his eyes.

"Why did things get quiet?" Sapnap got up curiously from the floor and walked to the door. At first he didn't see anything until he looked down. Sapnap made eye contact with the dwarf man and tried to keep a straight face.

"Finally you guys open your door!" The dwarf threw his hands up in the air in frustration. Sapnap tried to keep his smile to a frown trying to contain himself.

"Who are you?" Sapnap choked on his words with a little bit of laughter.

"I'm Skeppy." The dwarf gave Sapnap a death glare.

Sapnap looked down the hallway, "AY YO SOMEONE COME GET YOUR CHILD!"

"I'M NOT A CHILD YOU BITCH." Skeppy runs after Sapnap.

"AHHHHHH DREAM HELPPPP!" Sapnap screams, running like a little girl through the hallway, Skeppy in hot pursuit after him.

It's always Sapnap that starts problems, Dream shakes his head as he walks to his suitcase and pulls out a smiley face hoodie. He pulls it over his head as he walks down the hallway. When he makes it to the end of the hallway he sees a kitchen and a small hangout room next to it with a couple TVs and a few couches.

Dream looks over to a chair that Sapnap is standing on, shaking with a terrified expression plastered on his face. Sapnap makes eye contact with Dream, practically pleading for help now.

"PLEASE, SOMEONE COME HELP!" Sapnap whined looking around for anything.

"LOOK WHO'S ACTING LIKE A CHILD NOW!" Skeppy continues to yell at him. Dream walks past the kitchen into the room with a couch and sits on the soft cloth.

Dream starts to pull out his phone to look through, "I don't think he's going to bite you Sapnap, you'll be okay."

"DREAMMMM" Sapnap screeched at the top of his lungs, sounding even more like a girl, when a tall figure appeared into the room.

"SKEPPY, STOP ATTACKING THE GUEST! BAD MUFFIN!" The tall, cloaked man yelled.

"HE'S BEING A BITCH, BAD!" Skeppy yelled back, keeping his eyes on Sapnap like a hawk.

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