Downtown IV.

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After Training 

Dream's Pov

Dream, Sapnap and Karl stay in the training room talking after everyone else has left while George is off on the other side of the room, upset that his father left him.

"We should probably head back to the room, no point in staying here if we're not doing anything." Karl suggests to Dream and Sapnap, who agree.

"Please. My feet hurt." Sapnap complains, looking down at his feet.

"Alright, come on. George! You too! Let's go!" Karl yells to George, who turns around to look at the three.

"Do I have to?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yes you do. Come on." Dream motions for George to follow them as they make their way out of the training hall and back to the room.

George follows, but stays a few feet behind everyone, mumbling his complaints under his breath as he walks.

They make it to the room and Dream holds the door open, watching George as he walks through before walking in himself and letting the door close behind him.

"Alright boys, we're done for the day." Karl says, looking at a schedule on his phone.

"We should go into town today, ya' know, just look around and explore a bit." Sapnap says, not wanting to sit in their room for the rest of their day.

"We could, ooh! And George could show us around maybe." Dream says with a small smile, looking over to George, who's just been looking around the room.

"What? No." George shakes his head at the request.

"Aww come on, I'm sure you know this city like the back of your hand, George." Dream asks again.

"Why would I show you around when you can just wander around yourselves?" George asks, looking between the three standing across from him.

"Because your dad left you with us, and you wouldn't want us to get lost would you? Please George?" Dream whines, making Sapnap laugh, which Karl puts an end to quickly.

"Fine, I guess." George gives in, putting his hands up in a surrender so Dream will stop asking.

"Wow George, you're so generous, offering to tour us around." Sapnap adds with sarcasm.

"Sapnap, be nice." Karl scolds him gently.

"Okay, so, which car are we taking?" Dream asks, looking over at Karl.

"Karl and I are sharing a car." Sapnap says proudly, putting his arm around Karl, pulling him closer.

"Oh, okay... I don't know why you two aren't dating yet. " Dream laughs nervously, knowing that leaves him and George in a car together. Sapnap got flustered by Dream's comment. He immediately got up from the couch and grabbed Dream's arm pulling him into the hallway. George and Karl were left behind together in awkward silence.

"Do you think Karl and I should actually date?" Sapnap looks at Dream.

"Have you seen you two? He definitely likes you back." Dream just shrugs, thinking it was obvious.

"Yeah, but what about work? Like, what if he says no?" Sapnap panics, running through scenarios in his head.

"I highly doubt that Sapnap, just go for it, what's the worst that could happen?" Dream encourages.

"I guess so, are you going to try for the King's son?" Sapnap asks, bringing up George as a way to change the topic.

"WHAT?! Sap he might hear you what the hell?" Dream looks at Sapnap then the door, waiting to see if he heard.

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