Chapter 13: The Calm Before the Storm

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Another long chapter for you all. Thank you very much to all the people who have taken the time to comment and follow this story. I appreciate you.


It was scarcely past breakfast by  the time they made it up the final leg of the canal to the main docks of Tameria. After only a few hours of pulling the ship Imre's whole body was quivering with fatigue. He, along with all the others, had been so anxious for the coming reward that they pulled without any need of provocation or whip to encourage.

The day of the final leg was the only day which the Shaynari were given rest and good food and baths.

Gods a bath sounded glorious right about now. 

Imre could almost feel the pure delight of those wooden tubs which awaited them. Warm soapy water to wash away weeks worth of dirt. It was different than being able to wash in the canal while on route-something about being able to soak and relax that felt like the ultimate luxury.

Collapsing on the grass near the dock Imre closed his eyes for a moment with his face pressed against the earth and relished the feel of being 'done.' even if it was only for a brief window of time the fact that he no longer had to pull was a literal weight off his aching shoulders.

"You look like you could use some water," Heftar offered a carved out gourd filled with water to Imre. At first Imre was surprised by the offer and then he looked around and saw that other's eyes were on him, letting Imre know that he had been laying on the ground for longer than he had realized. Maybe he had zoned out, or maybe he had passed out-either way it didn't much matter, it had felt good on the grass.

Pushing himself up from his front and into a sitting position Imre reached up and accepted the gourd from Heftar. Though he did not want to encourage the taller Shaynari it would be beyond rude to refuse. Water kept you alive-to turn it down was the greatest insult.

Every trickle of the refreshing liquid made itself known in a cool stream down Imre's throat. He felt like a plant being brought back to life. 

By the stars it felt wonderful to drink without being hurried along.

 He could feel the water settle into his belly and all he wanted was more. He wanted to drink glutinously until his stomach not longer felt empty and his lips no longer felt parched.

Today more was allowed.

Today he, and the others, could eat and drink their fill.

Time had taught Imre not to eat or drink too quickly after being denied abundance for so long. the first trek up he had made himself sick from it-a lesson he had never since repeated. Now he took his time savoring each bite of food and each drink of water.

The excess of food and water was not merely a reward though, it was a tactical move on the part of the Tamerian slave owners. It was better to have healthy slaves on a ship than sickly ones and a days rest, food and water did wonders for both moral and body. The Shaynari would be tired and complacent which was best for herding them into the bowels of the ship like animals.

Not today, Imre thought to himself. He knew what was coming in only a few short hours; the dark dank of the ships hold, but for now there was sunshine and water and....

"Bath's are ready," A Tamerian barked gruffly.

Murmurs of excitement echoed through the Shaynari and echoed inside Imre's chest.

Heftar reached down and offered Imre a hand.

Don't encourage him, Imre's mind warned, and still he placed his hand in Heftar's and accepted the help up, his legs feeling wobblily.

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