Chapter 4 ~ Survivor

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Chapter 4 ~ Survivor

Girl POV:

- I woke up with this big headache, a bright light was shinning in my face I felt a heavy weight on me and I tried to get it off but I felt so weak, I opened up my mouth to speak but no words came out, I slowly lifted my self up and realized that I was on the ground an a chair was pressing against my body. I herd a soft little cry and as I removed the chair I slowly crawled towards the sound. I removed metal and dusted away ashes to find a small crying baby.

Me: OMG!!! (*i picked the baby up and rocked it carefully trying not hurt it anymore then it already was*)  

It's ok shhh, I'm not gonna hurt u :) (*the baby had a bloody lip and a scratch above its eye, the baby cry slowed down but I made sure it was breathing, I herd rumbling and I looked up to see a lady stumbling towards me*)

Lady: my-my

Me: are you alright?

Lady: my-my baby (*she got closer*) get away from her!!!

Me: wait I was just trying to help (*an the next thing you know she picked up a metal board and smacked me right across my face with it leaving me laided out again*)

Jacob: POV

- I opened my eyes and felt across my face, I jerked my self up an looked around to see the plan in a wreckage! I stumbled to my feet calling around in the pile looking for any help, I began searching around in the pile for my suit case and any clothing or money I could find, I found my suit case tore apart, I gathered mu clothes and scraps of money I could find. I was digging around when I herd some moaning noise. I looked up to see a young girl laided out on the grass. I slowly walked over as she got up.

Girl: where's the, where's the baby! BABY!! (*she called out and began searching around the pile*)

Me: you missing someone? (*she turned and looked at me then ran and hugged me and began to cry, I didn't know what I do so I stood there and let her for a while*) a look don't need to be rude but I gotta get out of here! (*she looked at me then let me go, I picked up my suit case and began walking away*)

Girl: good idea! (*she began searching around then stopped*) ayee!!! Wait for me!!

Me: (*i stopped walking and turned around*) oh no no no! I'm sorry you see I said I gotta go (*she began cryin again*) ok ok (*i helped her looked for a pink suit case and we ended up finding more money and cell phones, we stumbled away from the crashed plane and we sat at the edge for a while to take a break!

Me: (*breathing hard*) what just happen?

Girl: we'll as you can see that our plan crashed!

Me: (* I looked over at her, this smart mouth BiTC* *) yea I know that

Girl: oh..... Kaliyah

Me: wha?

Girl: my name is Kaliyah

Me: oh .. Umm Jacob

- we sat in slience

Kaliyah: so what u think we gonna do?

Me: I don't know first (*i stood up*) we need to find where we are and how we gonna get out of this mess

Kaliyah: (*stood up*) umm ok

- we began walking

Kaliyah: so where do you think we are?

Me: I don't know, some where in the U.S I hope California so I can fine some bad girls (*i squinted my eyes when I realize that Kaliyah was staring at me hard*) ok what about your self

Kaliyah: I don't know

Me: hey what happen back there with the whole baby thing?

Kaliyah: oh I found a crying baby and some lady was walking towards me the next thing I know I'm waking up to you.

Me: you say that like its a bad thing

Kaliyah: it's not it's just that that baby looked helpless, who knows where it's at now :(

Me: (*i noticed that she looked real down about it, I tried to cheer her up*) it's ok I'm pretty sure he or she

Kaliyah: she

Me: .... She is safe :)

-we walked a couple of miles when we noticed a small bus stop or we hoped was a bus stop

Me: let's sit for a while maybe a bus might come or something (*i checked my pockets to make sure I had my money, I knew that we would be waiting for a while so I began to make small talk.*) so why we're u traveling? (*as she began talking I started at her more closely she was a light brown color and had long black but looked 

Brown hair she had brown eyes that looked light brown in the sun.*)

Kaliyah: so what about u?

Me: umm

Kaliyah: what brought you on the plane?

Me: umm nothin nothin aye look a bus (*we stood up and a small bus pulled up a small man opened the door and said something that we couldn't understand*) wait what can you repeat that sir?

Bus driver: Bōdo o kangei (welcome a board)

Me: I don't understand (*we got on the empty bus anyway*)

Bus driver: 25 yen

Me: what?

Bus driver: 25 yen

Kaliyah: I think he is saying 25 cents

Me: oh (*i pulled out 25 cents but the bus driver rejected and issued us to have a seat, we sat in the back as Kaliyah took the dirty window*)

Kaliyah: Jacob?

Me: hum?

Kaliyah : have you notice something?

Me: no what?

Kaliyah: the steering wheel is on the right side

Me: yea ok so?

Kaliyah: since when do they make cars like that in the U.S and we are driving on the left side!

Me: (*i pressed my face against the window, I couldn't believe it she was right, I sat back in my seat*) oh girl don't trip this must be a Mexican bus, we're in mexico no worries! (* I sat back in my seat hoping that I was right about what I had said*)

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