Chapter 18 ~ New Girl

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Chapter ~ New Girl

Jacob POV

Me and they boys was banging rocks when all of a sudden a rage rung up on the boys side. It must have been the girls again. I look up over to the girls side to see officers bring a girl in. She had nasty looking food all over her body and hair and she was kaliyah

Kevin: dam* lol Shawty got it good

Me: what they do to her?

Lamar: they got this think where if you not out of bed when called

Kevin: they dump all of old nasty months worth of food on you while you sleep

Lamar: yep and make you work in it

Kevin: and it dont smell good (*held his nose and turned away*)

Me: umm (*i went back to work*)

Kaliyah POV

Officer: your work Is done here! (*hand me hammer and walls away*)

-I hear laugher and look up to see Tacy walk over

Tacy: Dam* they got you good!

Me: shut up! Tacy why didn't you tell me this was gonna happen?

Tacy: hey I told you you was gonna reep what you sow but noo you wanted to be a bad azz

Me: yea yea yea (*i rolled my eyes and started work*) I'll never make that mistake Again besides that officer green got it in for me

Tacy: I wouldn't mess with her! Only me and her got that special relation ship hahah

Me: she hates me

Tacy: welcome to the family

- we look up to see a bunch of boys looking at these girls walk over to us and one slapped Tacy butt

Girl: hey sexy miss me

Tacy: you just keep tying don't you Sam

Sam: can't leave a playa hanging can you?

Tacy: yea I can the games called hang man playa! (*she pushed the girl in the chest*)

Sam: dang! Baby knows all my love handles (*she looked over at me*) umm baby has a best friend

Tacy: Kaliyah and she taken to

Sam: yea by me (*she grab me by my waist and I pulled away*)

Tacy: you discuss me :(

Sam: you'll come around once you see the D" isn't available and when you do (*whispers in Tacy ear*) I'll be here ;) and walks away

Me: just nasty!

Tacy: indeed

Me: y she want you so bad?

Tacy: I don't know she's been trying for months now it makes me sick 

- I looked up from my work over at the boys side to see if I saw Jacob. And I did just in time to see a girl walk over and talk to him

Jacob POV

Girl: ummm hi

- I look up and see this white/black mostly white girl with black looking at me

Me: Uhh hey :)

Lamar: oh snap heyy (*jumps in front of me*) the names lamar

Kevin: (*jumps in front of him and grab her hand*) the name is Kevin and must I say your look beautiful baby umm (*kiss her hand*)

Girl: she giggles :) I'm Vanessa

Me: Jacob :)

Vanessa: it's just I've been seeing you around and I never saw you before so I kinda figured you was new


Vanessa: I just wanted to introduce myself :)

Me: oh I see (*i leaned on a couple of rocks which made her nervous *)

Vanessa: umm yea an (*her eyes kept looking else where

Me: it's ok don't be shy I don't bite lil Shawty :) (*I pulled her closer*)

- mean while Kevin and Lamar was eye hustling on the two

Kevin: dam* he got her! Man how come I didn't use that trick

Lamar: I dont know

Kevin: dang I thought I had her with the beatyufil thing ummm

Vanessa: oh um wow! Uhh I just need help with a rock but I see you all tied up so..

Me: let me say what's on your mind? 

So you came over here to make that excuse just to Hally at me!

Vanessa: (*she looks Down embarrassed*)

Me: no no its ok (*lift her chin*) I think you kinda cute so I can dig :)

Vanessa: kinda ?

Me: lol let me stop baby u fine (*she blushed a little*) you might wanna go back before you get in trouble

Vanessa: yea

Me: alright (*i stood up and gave her a hug, I grabbed her around the waist and she was surprised so she put her arms around my neck, that's when an officer caught us*)

Officer: aye!! Break it up!! To your side mama!

Vanessa: gotta go

Me: alright bye (*bite my lip, and I watched her leave as Kevin and Lamar came up with stupid faces*)

Kevin: how you mange to get that my brotha!

Me: if you been in the game as long as I have then you'll know a girls every right move (*went back to work*)

Kevin: well I been in the game

Lamar: no you haven't

Kevin spotted girls at the water tank and he yelled! Aye room number thirty ..... 2 come get at me I'll hala!

-they laughed and walked away

Me: no game

Kevin: dang!

- they went back to work

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