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"Lehar please just go away, I'm completely fine now," I heard him say melodramatically while I checked his glucose drip level.

"Sammie we both know that you are anything but fine. What happened last week wa-"

"Was entirely my fault. I asked the nurse to keep the window open. Sue me for wanting to breathe some fresh air Lehar."

I decided to not reply to him at this point of time. According to statistics, giving people silent treatment is the best way to make them feel guilty. Thus I simply sat on the couch in the ward and glanced through his documents and reports which I've done probably a hundred time since the past one year. Yes, that's for how long he's been admitted here in the hospital.

First Name: Sameer
Last name: Unknown
Father/Guardians name: N.A.
Age: 10yrs
Sex: Male
Address: Sahara Orphanage

Patient has been suffering from acute bronchitis and stage 1 lung cancer. Also, he gets intense Asthmatic Attacks if not taken proper precautionary measures.

"I'm sorry Lehar it won't happen again. Its been a week since that asthmatic attack and I swear I won't do anything stupid to let it happen again like that."

I walked towards his bed and sat down on the stool next to him.

"Sammie you know how important you are to me don't you?," I said looking at his innocent little eyes.

"I know Lehar."

I gave him a small smile and took his small palm in my comparatively larger one.

"I can't lose you, please Sammie," I said drawing circles on the back of his palm with my fingers.

He brought his other arm towards my face and wiped the tear drop on my cheek. He gently pushed my hair behind my ear and gave me a bright smile.

"Look at me Lehar, I'm absolutely fine. There's absolutely no pain I'm suffering from right now."

"I know Sammie but-"

"No more buts Lehar. Oh wait but reminds me of.... Did you see Penny's butt in the last episode of The Big Bang Theory? I'm telling you its became so damn huge. I bet she's pregnant in real life."

"Sammie shut up and stop talking like that please," I replied awkwardly.

With that our conversation ended and we started watching the Season One episodes of The Big Bang Theory on the television set up in his room.

By the time it was almost 8p.m., he was already asleep and I stood up from the chair and was about to leave when he tugged at my hand. I turned around to see him open one eye and say, "Do you think Sheldon will ever love someone?"

I smiled and sat back next to him.

"Yeah, I mean he did kiss Amy in that season eight episode didn't he?"

"Lehar, what is love?"

"Oh Sammie love is a very strong feeling. Umm.... How do I explain? Its what I have for you. As simple as that."

"See, I totally knew you had hots for me. So you find me sexy? Like the way the nurse from morning shift finds Dr. Shamit's low waist jeans sexy?"

"Oh my god Sammie did she say all that to you? I swear I need to have a word with th-"

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