Life threats that result in Rectal Examinations.

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"Clear, one....two....three....Charge," I was able to hear her speak, listen to her voice but was unable to make any sense out of it.

"Snap out of it right now," I could again hear the same voice, but all I could see was the foetus, no it was the baby now since it had been born and was breathing, but I really don't know for how long it'll be able to breathe, a mere few minutes, I guessed.

"Dr. Lehar Malhotra either you get a grip on yourself or get the hell out of here and send in Dr. Shamit" I heard Dr. Meeras cold voice.

I felt my shoulders being shaken and soon I could see the faint lights getting brighter, too bright for my comfort and eventually I was out of the operation theater, Nurse Verna pulling me out of that hell hole.

How could they do that to her? How? No they can't do that, not when I'm fully aware of this... this crime, no not at all, I thought.

And without even realizing what I was about to do I rushed into the waiting area where Mr. Raman paced around restlessly, worrying if his job was done well or not by us.

As soon as he saw me he rushed towards me asking me if she was okay.

All I did was stand there patiently for a few minutes after which I heard the sound of one hard slap and I felt my hands starting to throb in pain.

Involuntary reflex, something which makes us do things without thinking twice. Like taking our hand away on touching a hot pan or something like knee jerk. This was it, the reason why I did something no doctor was supposed to do.

"How could you do that to her you sick bastard? Who gave you the right to do that to her?"

I saw his eyes widen in anger but before he could say anything I played my ace which had to shut him up, I knew that'll work.

"Now you listen to me carefully mister. You are gonna do exactly what I tell you to do with your mouth shut alright," without giving him a chance to speak I caught hold of his collar and continued, "You are going to go to the reception and take back those ridiculous papers you had signed which made you choose your wife whom you consider your baby maker over your new born daughter. I've seen the situation with my own eyes and I'm sure Mrs. Raman can't survive but the baby still has a chance. But because of your insistence on keeping your wife alive the doctors can't look after the baby since we have very less staff members due to the ongoing curfew."

"What am I going to do with her tell me huh? What use is she ever going to be of me? Well unlike her mother that baby won't ever be able to give me a son, my heir which in reality her pathetic mother also couldn't give me," I heard the sick bastard say.

"You know what I suggest now? Let the doctors concentrate on the dying mother and in the process I'll be rid of that devil as well. Two birds shall be killed in one shot. And I can easily get remarried and have whatever I want," I saw him smirk with his crazy ideas going inside his mind and with every passing minute I felt even more disgusted by that mans presence.

Finally I had to play my last card now, I hated doing this but I had no choice here. The baby's life was more valuable than my self esteem. Thus I had to do this, bring my father in the middle of my own fight.

I took the knife kept next to the apples in the waiting room and brought it next to his throat in one swift move and said, "There I can see the artery going up your neck, towards your brain.... Right here," I slightly grazed the cool metal surface on his skin and although I had absolutely no intention of killing him, I continued, "You know if a doctor knows how to give a life, he even knows how to take it. And please don't worry about my career and reputation after your sad demise. You heard the name of Mr. Rajveer Malhotra?," I saw his eyes widen in shock on hearing the name and he nodded, slowly.

Typical, very typical. That's the effect his name has on all people except some like Dr. Meera of course.

"So you see I'm his daughter, his only child precisely. So how much harm could your accidental death be for a girl like me huh? So now do what I say or this hospitals morgue unit will have a new admission today and I'll make sure of cutting your body and doing all sorts of medical experiments on it. As for your family, they won't even come to know. For them, you shall simply be swept into oblivion."

"I-I'll go b-but please don't. I'll go and sign the papers I swear please just let me go now."


And this is how I ended up outside Dr. Meera's office, waiting for her to call me in.

I heard the news that although the mother had died but her daughter survived. People also said the father had handed her over to her mothers parents since apparently she reminded him a lot about his loving dead wife.

Yeah right, a man like him loved his wife. For him she was just a means to reproduce and continue his blood line, nothing else. And no doubt he won't have kept her daughter either. So I had to talk to her maternal grandparents and do some background check after which I was convinced they would genuinely love the baby who could also be a source of happiness after their daughters death.

The peon came out to send me in while I was lost in my thoughts. I entered her room and saw Dr. Meera sitting on the chair patiently going through some files. She looked up with a poker face and motioned me to sit down on the chair in front of her desk.

"I heard the rumour that a doctor threatened the life of an innocent family member of one of our patients today. Doesn't it sound interesting Dr. Malhotra?"

Her voice was stern and low and I knew that she was aware of the truth. There was no point in lying to her now.

"Ma'am I did that because you refused to go against the hospital rules and save the baby instead of her dying mother. I'm sorry but I couldn't se-"

I felt brave all at once. It was the adrelanine maybe but I was cut short by her next unexpected words.

"Good job Dr. Malhotra. Although I expect more sense from you. But still you have made a mistake and there's a price paid for them."

I dreaded her next sentence. And although I knew what she was going to say, I pushed my luck in futile attempts.

"But ma'am I-" I was again cut off by her stern voice.

"Rectal examinations for next four days."

"But ma'am please listen t-"

"One week. Now if you don't wanna be stuck doing rectal examinations for a month I suggest leave right now without arguing Dr. Malhotra." She had given her final word and I was doomed for the next week.

While walking through the corridors of the hospital, I wondered if saving the baby was worth a week of rectal exams.

Then I closed my eyes and instantly her beautiful angelic face came into my mind.

Yeah, sure as hell it was worth it.



Hey people! I've made drastic changes in the storyline as you can see.

Hope you all like it.

I know I haven't introduced Arnav yet, I guess I'll do it in the next chap.

So, question for this chapter:

1. What would you have done if you were in Lehar's place?

2. How do you find Lehar's character?

Lastly, this is not a question but a piece of information. For all those who don't know about 12% of girls in India on account of female foeticide or worse, female infanticide. This needs to be stopped and ppl definitely need to come to senses abt this sensitive issue.

Anyways, I shall update the next chapter soon, maybe today. I dunno I'll try since my exams have finally gotten over today! Yayy!!

Okay then I'll sign off now. Plz don't hesitate to correct my grammatical errors.

Lastly, it'll be very nice of you to press the like button at the end of this chapter.

See ya next time.


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