Pizza And Pink Bathrobe.

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Not wanting to ruin my Blue colored sofa, I guided him towards the coffee table and went to the get the first aid box from the kitchen.

When I reached the kitchen, I saw the knife next to the microwave and that's when my brain woke up from its slumber and started functioning properly.

I'm having a complete stranger in my apartment at this moment who can be a thief or a murderer.

Hell, he could be a rapist for all I know.

Oh God! Such an idiot I am. Plus my self-defense skills are practically non-existent. If he would make a move on me I couldn't even protect myself. Yeah I could definitely shout for help, but what use it would be when the only apartment next to mine had been empty and on sale in the market since 5 months. Oh but the pizza guy should be here any moment and he could obviously help me...... Unless he's some pale, lanky college student doing part time job at Dominos.

Urghhh..... I should've taken my fathers advice when he wanted to send me for kick boxing classes during my summer vacations in school. But no, I had to be a stubborn idiot and go for Baking class.

That's when I heard his voice from the table, breaking my train of thoughts, "Doc have you passed out or something in there? Not to bother you or anything but my shoulders really hurting."

I quickly put the knife in the first aid box, just in case I needed it and went out to see him sitting on the chair with his head resting on the coffee table.

I sat on the chair next to his and he raises his head, lowering his shoulder for me to inspect.

"Hmmmm..... The bullet has cut the skin and has gone past your shoulder, barely touching the muscle. It was a very lucky shot I guess so you won't be needing any stitches," I said.

He simply hummed in response and kept his eyes shut while I cleaned the blood around the wound and dressed it with gauze and cotton after applying medicine on it."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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