49. The Beginning of The End

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It's been a while.
How've you been?
Are you okay?

It's okay to not be.

I understand,
I truly do.


I really hope you're having a good day,
I hope things are going okay with you,
And if it's not?
Just hold on,
Just hold on,
Like I'm trying to.

And I know it's hard,
Lord! It's so hard,
But it's just for a little while,
It'll be okay,
You'll be okay,
And when you're not...
That's okay.

I should be rounding up this book soon,
It's held a lot of meaning to me,
And I don't mind if it's not what everyone is reading and all that,
But if one of my rants or poems made at least one person smile,
Maybe it even made them laugh,
Maybe it made them want to let out their frustrations,
Maybe it made them know that it's alright not to be okay,

Whatever positive emotion it made them feel,
I'm okay with that,
So that even when my world is upside down,
I know that even though I'm at the other end of the world,
I made someone smile,
I'll know that when my head gets full with stuff,
At least I'll know I did good.

So this is the beginning of the end,
It's not goodbye,
Oh No!
It's just see you later.

So dear reader,
Thank you for following me on this journey,
Thank you for taking your time to read my little rants and
Thank you for peeking into the emotions I wrote down,
Thank you for being with me this long,
And if you stopped along the way or you skipped,
That's alright...

I do that too sometimes.

Thank you again,
I love you.

-MJ 💖💙🕶💫

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