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"This is impossible!" shouted the voice of the supreme Commander. "The entire population of the most youthful people have been searched and killed and not two of the two hundred thousand youths were the Twins!?"

The throne room was filled with more than a thousand elite armored, full-trained guards. Smoke filled a giant-sized throne room. The decorations were glittered in purple, with walls covered in purple drapes. Blackness covered the throne rooms walls with fight light lingering from red windows.

The throne itself plastered a skull down the central curve between the two giant eye sockets. A humanlike skull nailed to the wall like a person nailed to a cross, and the eye sockets boiled with lava and little steams rolling down like crying out blood. The red streams flow from the half empty sockets down to the obsidian flooring of the throne room and upon pillars holding the pillars together and the purple drapes hang from.

The ceiling was coated with many human skeletons with patch red eyes in the empty sockets of the skulls; the bony arms held outward with weapons ready to cut down any people below not looking up to see the dead ready to strike the people of the living.

The seat where the embodied ruler sat his lazy-ass body upon the dead skull bone. The seat itself was carved through the skull's central hole where a nose once stood before the decay and decomposing of skin and blood turning into melted dust, leaving only dry bone.

The King sat upon his throne while the Commander walked through the walkway and the guards aligned in long rows that filled the throne room with an army of a thousand soldiers. Two more seconds of soldiers stood on a higher level of the throne room's walls; a staircase leading to a higher platform level built on the walls to fit more people than on the throne room's main floor.

"Two weeks of massacring all the city's youths and nothing to show for it! All three hundred retarded teens from the ages of thirteen to eighteen were killed, and not any of them were the two of the most powerful, ungodly, heart-ass, monkey-brained, blood-sucking, gut-wrenching, pig-shitted, pale, black-whited Yin-Yang Twins!"

The Commander was cold in his words, and the soldiers who served him with supreme loyalty were paralyzed with fear to their very bones half of them couldn't stand on their feet yet alone grip their weapons with the firmest of their small fingers. His voice alone could make a giant grizzly bear with the big claws and fangs grind to a halt before it could take a swipe of the Commander's face.

"By allowing the Twins to escape right under our noses is downright evil and a disgrace to the mighty empire our noble king and his nobles are trying to build, and your thoughts of amusements has been letting the Twins to get away. They are the only ones with enough power kill those who try so desperately to build what our ancestors destroyed long ago. Now, you all will pay the price of your failure."

The Commander lifted up his hand and a red crystal ball appeared in the very thin air. Black stripes swarmed around the red coloring like black smoke rising from red fire, showing symbol of a skull.

Then purple flares lit the eye sockets of the black-inked skull colored over the ruby glass. Straight lines of fire shot like spears firing from long catapults built in the form of crossbows and impaled through all the soldiers in the throne room. Leaving big holes in the heads or the chest, showing the red intestines or a half-cut brain.

By the many, many sparks shout and bolted out like lightning bolts of heavy rainclouds clashing in the sky and of angry gods battling for dominion of the sky. Impaling through the entire army, holes cracked on corpses and through metal armor supposed to be protecting the soldiers from any physical harm.

Few of the soldiers in the throne room panicked as they saw many of their comrades and soldiers-in-arms being easily pierced through the helmets of the chest-plated armor.

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