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The moment of truth came when the dawn rose from the east and the small moon rising from the west. Both circles of a bright light and one dim thing dull as a rock in the sky rustled to get to meet in the same spot when the special event was going to happen.

A solar eclipse was in the horizon and would bring the black sun into formation, the time when the power of the Yin-Yang would be able to activate their power in full. During the day, the Yang Power is the strongest. During the night, the Yin Power is the strongest. When day or night is at its peak, the power of a Yin or Yang is the most powerful. One power for each time frame, but when the solar eclipse is out, both powers are active and powerful as a god living upon mortal humans.

The time was coming soon, maybe around noon time. The time to make a run for lunch and have a decent meal after a day's hard work. The time when the solar eclipse would be upon the day, and the moment of when the Twins can unleash their full power. With it being the day, Teriel would be the only Twin to have her power active.

The Twins soared on their griffins in the sky as they saw a legion of a small army of ten thousand below marching on their feet. The elves and dwarves united forces equaled up to a five thousand forces, and the human forces totaled four thousand. With a thousand centaurs ready to gallop and fight with the humans, elves, and dwarves; Arelzi outdid herself to "convince" the centaurs to fight with them.

"With this many soldiers and the King's army with no smart leader, the fight will be an easy one," said Tereus.

"If the Devil Necromancer hasn't regenerated yet," said Teriel.

"Then what are we waiting for?" asked Tereus.

"I was waiting for you, brother."

"And I was waiting for a response from you, sister!"

"Then what are we waiting for?" asked Teriel, repeating her brother's question.

"We fly now!" Tereus answered.

Teriel nodded her head in response, and her griffin was the first griffin to take off. Tereus's griffin followed her.

Behind them, the soldiers started to march out to war. The leaders astride their creatures. The Dwarf Lord rode his boar, and the Elf Lord rode on his stag. General Khon and Arelzi roar on different wyverns with a few hundred wyverns mounted with elves and humans together.

All the soldiers followed the Twins as they flew to the citadel and off to war.

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It was only a matter of hours when the Twins invaded the citadel with the sun and moon at the upmost peek in the sky. The griffins rushed through the skies when rocks ignited on fire flared through the sky from catapults of the citadel's far outland walls protecting outskirts where large and small villas stood around the countryside miles away from the city.

Teriel shot down arrows of the Sun Bow that shot around the walls and the catapults, and thus narrowing the loses of the army. She only fired one shot of her Sun Bow and a thousand arrows of divine province shot down to the to the enemy frontlines to thinly narrow their allied forces.

With the outer walls breached and the southern walls fallen, the army dragging behind was in a great advantage to overwhelm the enemy with no military leader to hold a defense line.

The Twins' griffins flew over the outskirts to see many rich villas home to the richest people of nobility, and those were the first buildings they saw when reaching toward the city they sought to kill the people turning the city to utter ruin.

Once they got to the city, they saw it was horrible as it was. Buildings crumpled and burned and torn. A city of great craftsmanship dwindled down to a city of ruined buildings. No statues standing like gods stood atop of temples or houses, and the streets were littered with broken and piles of marble stone rock.

The Legend of the Eclipse TwinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora