Level 1

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It was a very regular boring evening at the artifacts department for Nova. She was bored out of her mind while trying to listen to Callum, who was trying his best to keep her entertained, by digging through old boxes and pulling out old "treasures", but to his dismay Nova had blocked him out with noise cancelling head phones hours ago.

Callum had spent the day sorting and re-organizing old and dusty artifacts. Callum was the type of person who never seemed to get bored, and to try to make light out of every situation.

Nova on the other hand wished that she could fall asleep, so that she could escape some of her incessant boredom, and so she could get a break from Callums constant babbling.

Nova was currently off from patrol for after hurting herself while trying to climb an electric fence, so instead of staying at a place she didn't feel comfortable calling "home" she'd thought she'd kill some time by spending some extra time in the artifacts department, which oddly felt like more of a home to her, sure it was still coated in dust, but at least it didn't have ugly wallpaper, or any wallpaper for that manner.

Don't get her wrong, she enjoys spending time, and talking with Callum, but there's a difference between having a small chat with someone, and talking with them so much that you start to feel like the Titanic, and you just want to slowly sink away from them and the conversation.

"Hi Nova how you feeling?" Adrian asked while walking through the door holding two steaming hot chocolates, interrupting her thoughts.

He was wearing his Renegade uniform, that was covered in a few recent holes through the sleeves, probably from his patrol duty earlier during the day.

"Not bad... I'm Shocked to see you here." Nova said while trying to hold back a grin.

"Maybe next time you should let the professionals climb electric fences." Adrian replied with an amused look plastered onto his face.

"Don't give me that look you were the one who told me that I should climb the fence, I was the one who told you that it was electric." Nova shot back at him, while gratefully accepting a hot chocolate.

"Alright, alright  I'm sorry, and to prove to you that I'm sorry here is a hot chocolate, I didn't know if you liked any flavouring in it, so I just kept it plain." Adrian tells her with a small smile.

"Is this a pity hot chocolate because if it is I might volt out the door." Nova replied, slowly blowing on it to try and cool it down.

"Aha!" Callum practically shouted as he grabbed a rectangular item out of a box, blowing some dust off of it in the process. 

"They don't make them like this anymore." He adds joyfully.

He carefully set the old item down on the table while practically jumping with joy.

Nova  just watched him with concern, while slowly taking sips out of their hot chocolates.

"What is it Callum?" Adrian asked before walking beside him to examine the object.

"It's an old video game console!" Callum replied, his smile growing.

"Why would the Renegades be keeping an old video game console here, I mean unless its for people to rent...?" Nova asked curiously.

"It probably belonged to a villain, so they took away and put it in here for evidence." Callum replied.

He picked up an unused cloth, and scrupulously started to wipe the old dust and debris off of it.

When he was satisfied with his work he walked over to the box that he had gotten it from, and he started to dig through it, he pulled out two discs, one had bright neon letters that read "Attack On Gatlon", and another one that read, "A Villain's Revenge".

"You guys up for a game?" Callum asked them with a small smile.

Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter, I'm sorry if I spelled anything wrong!


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