it could be || bev marsh

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"oh you will be".

a white light appeared causing bev to feel all fuzzy and out of it. "bev!" someone called, who was calling her?

"beverly for the love of god if you don't open your eyes in the next 5 seconds i will-"

beverly sat up in bed her head nearly smashing against the person hovering on top of her.

"jesus, i'm not that scary am i?" they asked with a laugh. their expression becoming serious when bev remained shocked.

"sweetie , are you okay?" they asked reaching their hand out to check bevs forehead for signs of a sudden illness or possible fever.

"y/n?" she muttered.

"beverly you're scaring me , is everything okay? did you have a bad dream?" y/n sat on the bed next to her , lightly caressing her arm up and down . a dream , it was only a dream she thought , shaking her head slightly trying to jog her memory , everything seemed groggy.

"um yeah" she answered , uncertainty in her voice "just a dream" she muttered , perhaps trying to convince herself.

"alright well , i just wanted to let you know i made pancakes. you hungry baby?" y/n told her , the word 'baby' rolling of their tongue like they'd been saying it for years. 

"um , i guess so?" bev answered still unsure of where she was exactly.

y/n noticed this and took a step back to give her some space. "right , okay , i'm gonna put some asprin by your plate for you to take, you don't look so good, so come down whenever you're ready hon."

bev nodded her head and sat up watching y/n leave. what the fuck , she thought. she glanced around her surroundings a little, her eyes falling onto the different pictures and items carefully set up around the bedroom. okay , there were pictures of her , and some with y/n, but she looked older? but how did she get here?

she stood up , instantly feeling light headed, it taking her a second to regain her balance , before making her way to the kitchen.

"hey. here take these."  y/n handed her two asprin and she swallowed them dry.

"so, aren't you gonna say anything?" y/n quizzed.

"like what?" bev answered confused .

"okay, i'm sorry, you mean to tell me you forgot our three year anniversary! beverly marsh , shame on you!"  IM SORRY THREE YEAR WHAT?! bev thought , her eyes going wide as she chocked a little on her own spit. suddenly she is bombarded with a bunch of memories of her and y/n , hitting her like a tonne of bricks and making her loose her footing, stumbling a little and falling into them. 

"okay , now you're seriously scaring me" y/n told her , their expression becoming more and more worried by the second.

"no, no . no i remember , i'm sorry i must've hit my head or something before bed yesterday , i literally forgot we were together." bev laughed , a relieved feeling washing over her as she pulled y/n into a hug.

"jesus baby, you scared the fuck out of me!" y/n giggled a little too, hugging bev tighter.  

"right well, i guess you have an excuse then, huh miss marsh " y/n joked sitting down at their kitchen table and gesturing for bev to come over as well. she obliged and tucked into her pancakes, they tasted exactly like how y/n used to make them when they were both kids.

"y/n remember when you'd make these when we were younger after drinking a little too much from my dads cabinet" bev laughed, at the sudden new memory.

"omg yeah i do , i don't really remember much from when we were kids though" y/n responded, a confused look on their face. 

"yeah me neither , i'm so glad we met each other again a that concert three years ago" she smiled at the memory . "three years ago today" she chuckled to herself.     

" i l-" bev was cut off by the ringing of her mobile phone. "one second " she laughed and picked up the phone.

"hello" she said " beverly marsh who am i speaking with please. mike? mike who? derry? oh" her heart dropped to the deepest pit possible "no, i remember."

she turned to face y/n but they were gone. they had disappeared. suddenly the voice on the other end of the phone wasn't mike anymore.

"you can't save them beverly" it taunted her , the voice all too familiar. "gone" it whispered in her ear causing her to drop the phone screaming.


"bev! , beverly!" she was shook awake , finding herself face to face with ben who appeared to be holding the sides of her face. 

"ben?" she muttered as he engulfed her in a hug. she felt that same groggy feeling. 

she glanced around again , this time being in a different location surrounded by the losers club. eddie and richie looked beyond upset launching forward to embrace her also, mike let out a relieved sigh, and y/n clutched onto stanleys arm for dear life, making her own relieved expression. 

soon they all pulled away and more memories , the real memories, flooded back to her. she felt an overwhelming sadness glancing at stanley that she couldn't work out and at the same time an overwhelming jealously for the way y/n was clutching onto him. parts of the dream the deadlights had caused her to have about y/n coming back to her every so often, she knew there was more , after the phone call , maybe it involved stan, she tried and tried , but she could only remember y/n. 

as the others made their way to find where bill had gone to bev pulled y/n aside to ask her about the dream. she knew it was selfish to risk bills life but she had to know. 

"um y/n this might sound really weird but when i was under that... whatever that was , all i could think about was you. and um , i guess i wanted to know how true whatever i saw was ."

y/n gasped a little but covered it with a light cough "um , what did you see?"

"we were um , together  but we were older , like our parents ages . and you made pancakes and something about a phone call?" bev strained to remember.

"sounds like one crazy dream" y/n laughed.

"though i'm not so sure it was a dream" bev admitted looking down.

"y/n!" stanley called , it seemed urgent.

"look bev , it wasn't real okay?" they replied kind of harshly.

"but it could be" bev almost whispered. 

"guys come here right now!"it was eddie this time.

"come on , we gotta go, we'll talk about this later" y/n lied.

time went by as normal since that day. bev had forgotten all about the dream since the big fight with pennywise and had soon forgotten the fight had even taken place and her friends after leaving derry.  her life appeared some what normal . however , she couldn't shake the feeling of déjà vu when she met an old friend at a concert many years later.  

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