Why did you apologise to him? || finnwolfhard

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( this imagine is written with she/her pronouns )

"Y/n!" Finn calls me from downstairs . He stayed the night last night and I don't think he's planning on leaving anytime soon.

"What do you want!?" I call to him , he went down to get us some snacks for the movie we were about to put on. We had a deal , I pick the movie , and he picks the snacks .

For someone who likes old movies, I was completely shocked to discover that Finn had never seen 'the lost boys'. Ugh , young Corey Haim . Oh to be alive in the 80's.

After a few seconds of no reply I call to him again "I said what do you want!". Ugh , he's gonna make me come downstairs.

"Y/n !"

"Jesus finn you're worse than my mum"

You know when your mum calls you and when you shout back she doesn't answer and then you have to go downstairs and in the end all she wanted was her phone from literally across the room .

"You've got no snacks we have to go to the shop" he tells me after closing the cupboard .

"Ugh fine , you wanna skate or ?"

"Y/n it's like 10pm"

"Yeah and ?"

"There could be murderers"

"Yeah okay , let's hope there are so they can come and get you"

He grabs his chest and pretends to be upset "ugh , you wound me"

"shut up , grab your board, I wanna skate"

"Whatever you say your majesty" he bows.

i run up the stairs and put on a pair of baggy jeans in place of the pyjama shorts i was wearing , remaining in Finns t-shirt that has 'thrasher' displayed on it , second thought , this might be nicks that Finn stole and now i stole from Finn. oh well. i grab one of his many jackets he leaves lying around my house and a beanie before picking up my skateboard and meeting him by the front door.

"you ready?" he asks looking me up and down.

"yeah lets go" i say, grabbing the hand his skateboard isn't in and opening the door stepping out into the crisp night air. i check my back pocket and make sure my phone, credit card and keys are in there before closing the front door behind us.

my parents are out of town for the weekend which is why finn isn't planning on leaving me alone until they get back tomorrow night. i didn't even have to ask him , he just knows i needed his company .

we skate to the shop around the corner in almost complete silence , the only sound being a few cars in the distance, our hands intertwined as the wheels roll along the concrete of the road.

the lights from inside the shop are blinding and it takes a few seconds for us to adjust to the harsh lighting coming in from outside with only a few street lamps lighting our way.

"hey baby why don't you get the sweets and i'll get us some drinks from the fridge , meet by the checkout?" i suggest, picking up my board. i know he wants to pick what snacks we get.

"okay, cool" he says picking up his board too and kissing my hand before we part ways to different ends of the store.

hmmm. what does he want . um , maybe dr pepper? i'll get some diet coke, some dr pepper and a few cans of monster , hey , i'm not driving.

i turn around juggling the cans and my skateboard in my arms only to collide straight into someones chest.

"oh my god , i am so sorry" i tell them , looking up to see a boy a few years older than me with a buzzcut and a puffa jacket . great.

"that's alright babe" he says looking me up and down. i clear my throat gaining his attention back up to my eyes . he licks his lips and i roll my eyes. ew , men.

as i step to get past him he blocks my way with his arm causing me to take a step back into the fridges , my back pressed up against the cold glass. he whistles gaining the attention of a few more boys around the corner i assume are his friends , they see us and approach too.

"so whats your name then?" the main one asks.

"none of your business" i tell him trying to push past him, he just ignores me and pushes me further into the fridges.

"can i get a smile?"

"look, i'm not interested okay , move out of my way."

"you skate?" one asks completely ignoring me and motioning to my board. i pull it into my body more , he snatches it out my hands and puts it on the ground by his feet. "your probably not any good though huh? being a girl and all" he says getting on it and staking across the isle.

"give it back" i tell him. he just laughs and continues riding it.

"whats a pretty little thing like you doing out and about so late huh?" the main one whispers into my ear making me feel sick.

"i'm shopping with my boyfriend , now i'd appreciate it if you give me back my board and let me go." i say louder , trying to seem more confident.

he laughs , the sound sickening " oh yeah , we've heard that before. i don't see your boyfriend anywhere sweetheart. looks to me like your all alone" he says touching my face with this dirty hands.

"turn around" i hear Finns voice from behind us as relief washes over me and the guy steps back. "give my girlfriend her board and get out of her way" he says , anger in his voice.

the guy with my board stops and drops it at Finns feet. the main guy then moves his arm allowing me to get past. i stare into his eyes as i walk away.

"sorry man, i didn't realise she was taken." he apologies to Finn.

"excuse me?" i say , confusion and anger dripping from my words. he looks at me confused. "why did you apologise to him? i told you i wasn't interested and i asked you to let me leave. apologise to me not him"

"um , uh, i-"

"apologise to me" i say louder.

"i'm sorry" he says.

"now leave" i tell him clearly , he watches me for any signs of some sort of false confidence , as i show none he silently walks out of the store , his friends following behind.

"fucking dickhead" i tell Finn leaning my head into his chest. "oooo you got starburst cool" i say making my way to the checkout now. Finn remains in the same spot .

"what is it babe?"

"that was hot"

"oh shut up" i laugh grabbing his hand and pulling him to the checkout with me. "we better get a bag"

after paying for our items we walk out of the store into the night air again, seeing the group of boys from before standing around by their bikes. there seems to be more now. some look at me then start whispering to their friends.

"hey!" i shout gaining their attention , Finn gives me a 'what the fuck' look. "can i get a smile?" i ask them with a grin on my own face causing finn to laugh and them to get pissed off.

we both get on out boards and skate away from the shop, turning around to flip them off as we get further away laughing.

"who knew you were such a badass." he says after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"just treat men how they treat women" i admit to him.

"is that why you called that guy from the bar last week sugar tits and said he looked better when he wasn't talking" finn asks laughing.

"exactly" i tell him laughing too.

"i rather like your approach" he says.

"why thankyou baby cakes" i reply slapping his ass and skating ahead of him hearing him laugh in the distance as we reach my house.

"god i love you"

"i love you more"

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