wait! is that you? || jaeden martell

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okay so , i'm not the earliest person in the world so you could probably count on me being at least a few minutes late to virtually anything , but this doesn't even come close to how long i had been waiting for my damn date to show up. for half an hour i had been sitting on the steps into the local cinema. and i know its not THAT long but seriously the movie was just about to start and i really wanted to see it. they were showing a re-run of the 2017 horror movie it in honour of the second movie being such a hit, since id never seen it , i thought we could give it a go, well by we , maybe its just me now. 

"fuck you then" i said aloud.

"woah!" i heard a voice behind me i spun around to see the person. he stood at around 5ft 7, sandy brown hair covered his eyes slightly and he moved his head to get it out of his face, i noticed a small scar covering the start of one of his eyebrows. i wonder how he got such a cool scar. "what did i do?" he joked laughing slightly. 

i sighed , disappointment clear on my face , i thought maybe my date had shown up at the last second. "sorry , i thought you were my date." oh my god y/n , that was so embarrassing, why did i tell him that , now he knows we've been stood up.  

"oh" his eyebrows knit together in confusion showing off his cool scar even more.

"cool scar." i tell him . why am i still talking , seriously y/n just stop. 

he touches it slightly "um , thanks" he replies awkwardly.

"sorry if that was weird , i don't know whats gotten into me" i replied honestly , its like my filter had disappeared since i entered his presence.  

he laughs a little "no it's fine.  um , what movie are you seeing?"

"oh , we were supposed to be seeing it. don't know if i'll still make it though" he looked oddly familiar, i can't but a finger on it.  

"oh. i'm sure you will, it starts in 5 minutes so , you should make it"

"oh thanks, are you seeing it too?"

"yeah i guess i am" he replies scratching the back of his neck. 

"oh cool , well thanks."

"jaeden!" i hear the voice come from behind him. i guess thats his name. i look behind him to where group of people waiting. theres a tall boy with curly hair next to a shorter kid with dark kinda similar but not as curly hair , they are both standing next to a girl with short ginger hair who is talking with a chubby boy and a taller muscular African-American boy who was holding popcorn. another boy with blondish hair made of mops of curls shouted him over again. they all look familiar too but i can't place it. by now all the movies are starting so the lobby is pretty much empty apart from me and them. 

"so i guess i should go now , thankyou" i tell him about to walk away.

"wait" he called and i turned around. "i'm jaeden" he holds out his hand. 

"i know" i tell him taking his hand. he looks flushed and pulls away a little. "i heard your friends say" i told him , not wanting to sound creepy.

"oh!" he sighs relaxing a little. " i'm y/n"

"well y/n , for the record. i could never stand you up." i blushed a little and turned my head too see all of his friends looking at us , watching our interaction carefully. 

"um , th-thanks." i coughed a little trying to cover my stutter.

he laughed "see you in there maybe?" he asked.

"yeah i guess" i turned around , the biggest smile on my face as i headed to towards the screen room. my date instantly forgotten. 

creepy music was blasting from the screen as the warner brothers logo came up signalling the start of the movie. i glanced at my tickets squinting to find where about they were in the dark room. so what if i was stood up , i could still enjoy the scary movie on my own. the room was pretty much packed which is why when i saw the row of empty seats at the back next to where my tickets said i would be sitting i was beyond confused , maybe that meant that boy and his friends were sitting here with me.  

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