Saving them

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After a conversation about how to save them (They decided to not tell Peter where they would go into hiding so he couldn't tell you-know-who) They let Peter come back and hang out for a bit longer. The marauders and y/n went around hogwarts letting y/n meet the others, while walking around they found a group including Marlene McKinnon,Mary McDonald, Alice Fortescue,dorcas meadows and lily Evans

"Hello my dear lily-flowef"

Y/n found it  rather amusing when lily pulled a disgusted face knowing they got married and had a kid together.

"Anyway who's this" A girl asked who had long brown hair, freckles and a fringe

"Ahhhh this is y/n l-" When y/n realised he was about to say 'lupin-black' she quickly butted in knowing they couldn't tell them about her being from the future.

"Uh hi I'm y/n Luna" James gave her a confused look which soon changed too a face that realised what she was doing.

"Hi y/n! I'm Alice Fortescue, this is Marlene McKinnon" She pointed to a girl with a blonde bun and a bright happy smile "lily Evans" this time Alice pointed to a face she knew from pictures she had been shown by Harry, she had long ginger hair and green eyes "and this is Dorcas meadows and Mary McDonald" she pointed to two girls who were watching her with rather wide grins

"Well wanna maybe do something" Lil suggested after Alice finished introducing her to everyone, she looked up to remus and Sirius for approving looks, when they smiled at her she decided it meant a yes

"Sure, what do you want to do?"

"Maybe we could go to hogsmade"
Y/n liked this idea, she could never go to hogsmade since no proffered would sign her form, or the orphanage and she couldn't do it herself since professor mcgonagll would notice

"Sure, that sounds fun"
"Okay let's go, what shop should we go to first" asked Marlene

"Ummm,well w-what shops are there?"

All the girls looked taken back, she was confused until Mary spoke up and said "you don't know what shops are in hogsmade!?"

"Oh well um,I've never been"
"Maybe we could go to honeydukes or the three broomsticks"

"Sure that sounds fun"


After coming back from hogsmade with the girls she decided it would be a good idea to head back, she hoped everything would be okay since they had gone over a whole plan. She said her last goodbyes to James (obviously not Peter) and gave Remus and Sirius a hug before spinning the time turner and returning in the room of requirements

Sorry for the lack of updating I've had school last week and this week, after Friday I have two weeks off so expect updates and  new storys, I've started one called 'it was all a dream' so if you want I can start apdating that

Y/n lupin-black and the time turner-a short wolfstar daughter storyWhere stories live. Discover now