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I sigh, staring ahead at the lavish temple main hall. As usual, I am all alone here.
My navy blue wings trail behind me 

My dress trails against the floor, my bare feet patting softly

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My dress trails against the floor, my bare feet patting softly.

I open the double doors, revealing an expanse of space

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I open the double doors, revealing an expanse of space. I sigh. I turn back, and head back inside, heading for the map.
I press a panel, and a holographic space map appears. I search for planets suitable to travel to.
I've been alone for so long.
It's time I change that.
How about Terra? It seems decent. They have a group of superheroes as well. One is even an Asgardian God!
But first, I should visit the Nova Corp.
I step to the middle of the hall,
A white blindfold appears over my eyes. I can see through it, but others cant see inside.
A neon blue light surrounds me, before I am in the white office of Nova prime.
White flats appear on my feet.
An alarm sounds, signaling an intruder. I exit the doors, and guards run at me, holding weapons. I scowl.
"Where is your Nova Prime?"
"I am here." A womans voice says. "Who are you?"
I turn to the white hair woman.
"That was my grnadmother." She says. "Who are you."
"She must have spoken of me." I smile. "Greeting Nova Prime, I am Nova, the Stone of Life."
Her eyes widen. A ruckus sounds.
"What is going on?" I ask, tilting my head.
"Nothing." She says. "A few criminals are being rounded up and taken to prison."
"May I see them?"
She looks hesitant, but knowing who I am, she nods.
She leads me to a room, where four people are. A green pretty woman. A plain, but handsome man. A tree, and a small furry creature. They stare at me.
"Hello." I say. "What are you names?"
"Peter Quill."
"What a creepy woman." The furry thing says. "The names rocket."
"I am Groot." The tree says, but I can here him saying his name is Groot.
"Wow." I smile, approaching Rocket. "You are very amazing. I've never seen something like you."
He looks embarrassed.
"Nova Prime, please step out."
She nods.
"Now I sense one of you have something." I say. "Of great power. Please hand it over, i will return it."
They dont do so, so i wave my hand, and a silver orb floats to my hand. Opening it, I find an infinity stone. I turn quickly to them.
"Where did you get this?!"
They stay silent, and I close it, handing it over.
"If the time ever calls for it, I will take that." I smile. "As it is rightfully mine, I will let you borrow it."
"It isnt yours!" Rocket yells.
"Ah it is." I smile. "That right there is an infinity stone. With the power to destroy whole planets. There are six known Infinity stones, each with their own great power. But what most people dont know, is there is a seventh. The most powerful stone, the Life Stone."
"I am groot." Groot says. He was asking where it is.
"I am that seventh stone." I smile.
"Nu uh!" Rocket mocks.
I clap my hands, and soon we are in a memory.
"I was around before the world began." I start. "The first stone to be made. I was so powerful, I harvested a human form. My creators soon died off, after trying to harness the energy of all stones at once. Before they disappeared, the legend of six stones was spread. I soon became forgotten, left in a temple in the middle of space by myself, but it wasnt that bad. If people then had known about me, they would want me for themselves. My power. But no matter the cost, I could no longer stay in that lonely temple no longer."
We blinked, and we were back in the holding room.
"I will join you at the jail." I smile.
"You guys have something that pulls. I like that."
I leave, and Nova Prime walks to me.
"I will be accompanying them to prison."
She looks worried.
"Yes, Your Greatness."
"No need for the formalities." I smile. "I was friends with your grandmother."
She nods, and I walk onto the jail ship with the four criminals. I wave at nova prime before the ship doors slide shut.
"You, boy." I say. "Peter."
"Yes?" He says, looking irritated at the name.
"What are you?" I ask. "Where are you from."
"Terra." He says.
I nod.
I see the large floating jail ship in the distance.

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