Chapter Five.

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February 15, 2012. 1:26 AM.

She stands in front of him, smiling her beautiful smile, her curly hair just brushing her shoulders.

"You cut your hair," The man says, picking up a strand and smiling, "You look beautiful."

"You're too kind."

The man just smiles, and grabs her hand. Then, there's a flash of lightning, and he's looking at a blonde man with green eyes in a pirate uniform. The younger man quickly recognizes him. But, what disturbs the younger man the most is who the pirate man has. He is grinning evily, holding the girl against his back, a knife to her throat. Then, he pushes it in, killing her. The other man drops to his knees and opens his arms.

"Kill me! If you take her away, I have nothing left!" He cries.

"I want to see you suffer." The pirate grins evily. The, the younger man grabs his gun, and aims at his head.

"I'll be with you soon, my love." He mumbles as the gun goes off.

His eyes snap open. He looks around, panting. There are dry tears on his face. He looks up, realizing there are a pair of green eyes staring at him worriedly.

"Iggy!" America yells happily. He reaches out and throw's his arms around the Brit's neck, squealing with delight. "Ow.... I'm so sore..."

"Well, yeah! You bloody idiot! You were beaten unconcious by men in masks! By the way, you better tell me what the hell that was all about you bloody git!"

"Did they hurt you at all?" The young nation asks.

"No! Now tell me what they were doing!"


"You bloody liar! I watched them barge right in there! What the hell did they want?"

"I can't tell you Iggy!"

England stands up with an exasperated sigh.

"You have to tell me something! How the hell can I prevent this-" England gestures to the bruised and bandaged young man- "from happening to you again!"

"What does it matter what happens to me! You didn't seem to care when you shot the only person I ever loved!"

England opens his mouth and then closes it again, stunned.

"I-I.... You... You bloody git! I care about you! I always have! I'm sorry, okay? How long are you going to hold onto that!"

"I loved her, England! I was in love with her! So in love, I wish you would shoot me sometimes, just so I wouldn't feel so alone!"

"I-I... I'm sorry... I know you loved her. I saw it. I saw the greif in your eyes when you lost her... You call her name in your sleep almost every night. It makes me feel horrible. I regret it every day. What I did was stupid, wrong, and flat out disgusting. I hate myself for what I did to you that night.."

"Then why did you do it? Why didn't you shoot me instead! She didn't deserve to die!"

"Because I couldn't stand it if you died!" England yells.

The room falls silent. England begins to blush.

"I-I never knew you felt that way..."

"Huh? Like what you wanker!"

"You neeeeed me!" America teases.

"Of course I do! It's not a joke! I need you! That's why I'm so worried about you! That's why I need to know who's doing this and why! I want to help! I want to take away your pain...."

USUK~ Wounded.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz