Chapter Eight.

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March 1, 2012. 4:51 PM.

America lays on the king size bed in his friends house, staring at the ceiling. He misses England. They had been hanging out a lot lately, and he wants to go and see him. He sighs, knowing he can't. He prays that England will accidentally find him, even though that is selfish. He briefly wonders if the Brit is even looking for him. He's only been gone for a few days, afterall.

Of course England isn't looking for you, why would he?

This only makes America more depressed. His pocket vibrates, and "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds." rings out. He sighs, and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He brought it solely to communicate with his boss, just to know his place was doing. But it wssn't his boss. It was England. America throws the phone at the far wall, where it hits with a low thump! and falls to the floor.

"Damn, England. You're not making this any easier!" He yells at the sky.

About ten minutes later, there's a knock at the door, and Lithuania comes, and sits down on the corner of the American's bed.

"Hey, Lithie. Sorry for all the yelling."

"It's no problem. I understand how upset you must be.. Having to hide. If only I was stronger. I would fight them off for you!"

"It's not your fault."

Lithuania reaches out a hand, and America takes it. The Lithuanian man heaves America up, and asks if he would like to have a picnic in his private garden. Noboy would see them there, it's private. America nods, and "Lithie" leads him to a small, but absolutley beautiful garden. Flowers of every color stretch across the land in no particular order, as though Lithuania just sprinkled random seeds on the ground and let them grow that way, which he had. In teh middle of the garden, there was a fountain surrounded by white lilies.

"This graden is awesome!"

Lithuania smiles. "Thank you."

And then, the two sit down to eat a feats of sandwhiches, pop, and pastries!

March 5, 2012. 7:30 PM.

England is getting worried. Nobody has seen America anywhere since the day in the white house. What if the masked men finally found him! How would England live with himself! That was his little boy, his friend, his crush. He runs a hand through his hair as, exasperated. He hasn't slept in two days, and looks awful.

"God, America! Where the hell are you!"

His computer beeps, and he angrily goes to look at it. An e-mail. He opens it, expecting something pervy from France, or something about Pandas from China. But, no. It's from America! He quickly clicks on it.

Dear England, I'm safe. Just wanted to let you know that I'm fine. I had to go off on my own for a while. It's too dangerous to stay, but I miss you all the time. Please don't worry too much, someone told me you haven't slept in a few days.

Who told America that?

England thinks.

I don't like thinking about you all stressed out and stuff, so I e-mailed you. It's really dangerous though Please be okay until I come back. Love, America.

England quickly hit's the reply button and begins to type.

America's e-mail beeps. He looks at it, startled. He didn't expect England to see it so quickly.


America! Where the hell are you?


Can't say.

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