sorry guys

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Hey it's your author here, I may end up ending this book, I feel like no one is interested in my book anymore and I have gotten zero feedback, and zero hate comments, and I'm quite sad, only 65 views, I know that's alot, and everything but I'm sure if anyone interested in it anymore, I'm truly sorry, I may just end this, if anyone reads this far and think I should keep going, please comment or contact me directly by sending a message but for all those who hate this book, I just hope you could find a new book that you like, I am truly sorry...if yall were wondering where this book was going, well I just thought I could publish it for real but if I cant publish it here and get lots of lovers, how could I publish it for the whole world? If I just know they may never like it, anyways, I will keep writing, just not this book, but if enough of yall contact me or comment I will keep it going, but if not, then I'm ending it soon, as I will write one chapter and just end it, sadly this us how it must go in my eyes.

Love yours truly author Rin...

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