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◇April 10th, 1912.◇

It was a lovely morning, blue sky was soft and covered with milky white clouds and smoke that was coming from Titanic's funnels. Many people were in a hurry, walking and avoiding to push each other in the process. Their eyes were glued to the most beautiful thing, the ship that will take them to another world. It was big, it was glorious, it was unsinkable. People from all over the globe gathered to sail with the ship or to just watch how it gracefully slides into the ocean. People of all classes, status' and positions did not have in plan to miss this unforgettable journey. Journey to America with Titanic.

While people stood in line, one by one getting their way into Titanic while the ship crew checked their tickets, a car drove by. It carefully pushed through the rushing crowd of people and soon after, it stopped. A man in suit opened doors for Dražen so he could step out of the car. His hazel eyes gazed the large ship as he moved his gloved hand in front of his face to stop the blazing sun from blinding his view. He sighed at the marvelous sight in front of him while his family and a friend stepped out of the car after him.

"So...this is the unsinkable ship everybody talks about?" Janez commented as he stood next to Dražen with his eyes scanning the ship. Janez didn't really see what was so special about this ship, he looked at it with unimpressed eyes. Dražen nodded at his words, never looking away from the ship. "To me, it's just another ship." Janez added, to make his disappointment bigger than the ship itself.

"It's not just another ship, Janez. It's art." Dražen said and smiled at Janez, knowing that the blond man gets annoyed by that kind of talk. Janez only nodded his head and rolled his brown eyes in response. Dražen was known to be an artistic mind and he was often silently judged for it. Meanwhile, Mr. Krleža (Dražen's father) and his helper were getting their luggage out from the car.

"Sir," called the porter "your luggage goes this way! Let me help you." As porter made his way towards them, Dražen's father smiled at porter, handed some money to his helper and he thanked him. He then proceeded  to place his arm on his wife's back as he moved towards Dražen and his friend. "Be careful, mother." Dražen said, as he pointed down at the cat's tail that his mother almost stepped on. She clumsily moved away and giggled as she fixed her dress.

"Well," Mr. Krleža started as he took his pocket watch to check the time, it was almost noon. "We better hurry and go on the board, it's time to go!" He said enthusiastically. They all made their way towards the first class line. Due to Dražen and his family being quite wealthy, they made their way on Titanic with no problem at all. As Dražen stepped on the Titanic's board, he heard cheeres and goodbyes in many languages from the people down on the port. America, here they come.


While people hurriedly made their way towards Titanic, trying not to be late and miss the sailing, Vuk and his friend Šćepan curiously gazed at wealthy-looking, upperclass man. They whispered to each other as they eyed two tickets that hung from the man's coat pocket.

"You think we can do it?" Šćepan said as he turned his head towards his focused friend. Vuk eyed the man and the tickets like an eagle before nodding his head. "Of course. We have to at least try! This is our only chance." He said, motivating Šćepan into action.

Vuk had this plan and a crazy dream to leave with the one and only, Titanic. Šćepan, being like his brother, made it his duty to accompany him. Since both of them were third class men, with not much money to afford the tickets, the wealthy man who they gazed upon was a solution for their problem. Only after a second, a loud noise from Titanic spread across the place, it was a sign that only a minute is left before Titanic leaves the port. "It's time!Let's not mess this up." Vuk said, making Šćepan smirk and nod his head in response.

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