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Dražen and Vuk stepped outside the deck, both of them laughing loudly at the prank that they pulled on stewards just a few moments ago. Cold, night wind brushed their hair aside while they held each other for support.

"Did you see the look on their faces?" Vuk asked as he continued to laugh and giggle. He embraced Dražen into another hug, waiting for both of them to calm down from their childish adventures. Dražen's arms were wrapped around his neck, cold Atlantic air surrounding them with much effort to make them shiver, but they didn't even feel it. Dražen looked up at Vuk, placed a hand on his face as he gave him a bright smile.

"When this ship docks, I'm going off with you." Dražen said as he leaned his forehead against Vuk's.

"This is crazy." Vuk says through the low chuckle.

"I know, it doesn't make any sense, but that's why I trust it..." Dražen admitted as he let Vuk pull him into another kiss.

Meanwhile, up in crow's nest, Romano nudged the arm of his lookout mate, then he pointed down at Dražen and Vuk, who were fully engaged in their moment and too busy to notice that someone watched them.

"Would you look at that?" Romano said, turning his head to his lookout mate, Antonio.

"They're surely sight warmer than we are." Antonio said as he rubbed his hands, trying to warm himself up. Antonio then proceeded to look at Romano, giving him a provoking smile before Romano pushed him away.

"Well, if that's what takes for us to get warm, I'd rather not." Romano said, making his lookout mate chuckle after light words. Romano then takes a moment to look behind him, suddenly, his heart stopped as his mouth opened in shock. He rubbed his eyes, still not believing what he is seeing. A giant, horrifying iceberg stood right in front of Titanic, dangerously getting closer and closer. Romano's face turned pale, his breath caught in his throat as he watched the murderous ice. Romano immediately stood up and ringed the bell three times. It took Dražen's attention for a moment before Vuk pulled him back to continue their kiss.

"Bugger me!" Romano says as he reached for the telephone and then called. Another telephone started ringing inside of the bridge room, but nobody picked up, desperate ringing of the phone remained ingored for few more moments.

"Pick up, you bastards!" Romano said angrily. Soon, sixth officer named Allistor walked into the bridge room. He heard the phone ringing, then he picked it up.

"Is anyone there?!" Romano yelled from the other side.

"Yes, what did you see?" Allistor asked.

"Iceberg, right ahead!" Romano yelled as loudly as he possibly could.

"Thank you." Allistor said before he put the phone away and turned around. Just as he was about to leave the bridge room, Macau comes in and Allistor yelled "Iceberg right ahead!" at him. Then they both yelled "Hard a' starboard!" at Lukas, the helmsman. Macau then turned away and reacted quickly as he walked into to the telegraph room and starts ringing to "Full Astern". Allistor continued to yell while Lukas turned the wheel as fastly as he could, rubber behind the ship slowly moving as he did.

"Turn! Turn smartly!"

As the whole situation started getting more intense, down in the engine room Chief was peacefully drinking his tea before he heard the loud ringing of a telegraph bell. He turns his head towards the machine and sees that "Full Astern" is being pointed at. His eyes went wide as he dropped his tea and turned around to yell: "Full Astern!" to all of the engineers. Meanwhile, Lukas is still fastly turning the wheel before it hit the end. "Hard over!" he yells.

"Helm's hard over, sir!" Allistor yelled, his voice becoming raspy from all the loud sounds he created so far. Macau quickly runs outside to see if the ship is moving away from the iceberg. Back down in the engine room, engineers were running around like mad as they heard the telegraph bell ring again.

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