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It was a sunny morning, people in first class were having their morning tea while Dražen was slowly sneaking away from the first class decks before his parents or anybody else could notice. He walked slowly, nervously looking around for a moment. He made his way towards the stairs that went down to the third class. He grabbed the fence for support, took a breath in and started going downstairs.

He knew that doing this was like crossing a border that was never meant to be crossed. He also knew that if he got caught by his parents it would be a hour of life lessons for him, but he cared more about thanking Vuk for his help. Dražen supposed that Vuk was a third class because of how he looked, and he was ready to cross any border so he wouldn't come across as ungrateful, spoiled little rich first class kid. He hated how classes separated people, he didn't care about class at all. For him, first class was a cage he could never be let out of, at least he wanted to show that he isn't what many people think he is.

As he walked downstairs, he was quickly met with a giant room full of people. There were people of all ages, nationalities and races. Dražen could hear their chatter, in many different languages. Third class was full of people from all over the world. From middle east, Asia to America and Europe. Many people looked down at third class because of the fact that they weren't wealthy people, but to Dražen they looked so happy, cheerful and free. They had a whole other world down here. Dražen couldn't help but feel nervous.

He slowly walked through the room, looking around for Vuk. All attention was immediately aimed towards him. Third class people looked at Dražen as he walked through the room, with his hazel eyes wandering around. It was obvious to them that he didn't belong there. They were all surprised at the sight of a first class man. He was like a rare diamond they saw for the first time. They thought that somebody like him would never step his foot anywhere near third class, but they were proven wrong.

Pretty soon, he spotted Vuk. He was sitting together with his black-haired friend and a few other people. They talked while smiling and laughing. For a moment, Dražen felt hesitant, but he knew he had to overcome his anxiety. As he slowly made his way towards him, Vuk's black-haired friend noticed him before anyone else. His eyes varied from shock to surprise as he saw Dražen approach them. He tapped Vuk's shoulder and whispered something to him, making Vuk immediately turn his head towards Dražen.

Vuk's face also had a hint of surprise which was followed by a smile. Vuk didn't expect somethig like this to happen, but it did and it made him happy. Dražen noticed how people stopped eyeing him and were back to their chatter and laughing, he felt like he was welcomed in. Vuk stood up, almost tripping on his own feet. As soon as Dražen was close enough, he greeted him politely while Vuk's friends were looking at him amazed.

"Hello, Vuk." He said, as he looked up at his bright face. He still could feel his nervousness floating, but he was beating it somehow.

"Hi." Vuk greeted back, as he tried to force himself to manner-up.

"I'd like to speak to you alone, if that's ok." Dražen asked as he squeezed his own hand.

For a second Vuk's black-haired friend looked at Vuk, like he wanted to prevent him from something, but Vuk ignored his desperate tries. Vuk only nodded his head as he smiled once again.

"Sure." Vuk agreed.

But before Dražen could turn around, he felt a light tap on his body. He looked behind himself confused and as soon as he looked down he was met with a little girl who was staring at him with big brown eyes. Dražen didn't know why this little girl wanted to take his attention, but he smiled at her just for doing that. She was amazed by Dražen and his appearence, it was a wholesome thing to see.

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