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When morning arrived, Dražen heard voices coming from the room next to his. It was his parents, but he ignored them as he rolled over at the other side and continued to sleep. He was still feeling quite tired from the last night. His stomach ached and his eyelids were closing themselves without his permission. Despite the fact that he wasn't in the best physical state, his emotions were peaceful. He could still feel the same exciting emotions when he re-played the events of last night in his head.

He never felt as happy as he did last night, Titanic must have been the best thing that happened to him. Not only Titanic, but Vuk as well. A small smile invaded his face as he pulled the blankets over his head to lower the tone of voices that belonged to his parents. They sounded worried and maybe even angry, but Dražen succsesfully suppressed their voices so he couldn't hear what they were talking about.

Despite his hopes that they'll go silent, he heard his doors getting open. Footsteps filled the air, but Dražen didn't turn around to see who it was, he already knew. He felt a tender hand land on his hair and gently stroke it before his mother's voice revealed itself.

"Dražen, time to wake up," she said, gently shaking his shoulder. Dražen sighed and held onto his sheets more, refusing to even look at the morning light. His mother repeated her words a few more times, but he didn't respond until he heard his father's displeased voice.

"Get up, Dražen." He said, almost demanded. Dražen was always able to recognize when his father is angry, and this was one of those times. He realized that he should get up before he makes him even angrier. Dražen let out a sigh before removing the blankets. He rubbed his eyes as he slowly stood up on his feet. Once his eyes got used to the light, he was exposed to worried faces of his parents. He wasn't sure what bothered them, he didn't want to deal with it in all honesty.

"I'm up," Dražen stated, forcing a smile at his oddly silent parents. "Is something wrong?" He asked, but didn't get a clear answer.

"We have some things to do today," said his mother, handing Dražen clothes that she held in her arms whole entire time. "Get dressed and then come to our room to talk." She finished, rubbing her hands against each other. Dražen looked over at his father, but he didn't give any explanation either.

When his parents left his room, he fixed his bed and then got dressed into the clothes that his mother gave him. He noticed that those clothes weren't something you wear every day, it was only for special occasions. He wouldn't need to wear this if something really big isn't happening, which just made Dražen panick. He had no idea what they were up to. He tried to brush it off as nothing serious, but he couldn't know until he hears it from his parents.

Dražen decided that he should no longer overthink and go visit his parents in their room. He took a deep breath and opened the doors of his room. Once he stepped out he headed towards the room of his parents. As he neared them, he heard their voices once again. They sounded excatly the same like they did when he woke up. Worried and angry. He stood in front of their doors for a few more seconds before knocking. As soon as he made the noise, his parents went silent. Doors were opened by Dražen's mother, she gave him an unconvincing small before letting him in.

His father stood in the middle of the room, looking at his son with a really hard to read face. Dražen took another nervous breath in, silence of his parents making his body tense. His mother stood close to him, giving his arm a gentle rub. Still, Dražen didn't feel at ease.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Dražen asked, eyeing both of his parents. This kind of behaviour from them felt so foreign. Sure, they used go get angry at Dražen from time to time, but this was different.

"I think we could ask you the same question, young man." Said his father, obviously trying to pronounce the fact that he's upset. Dražen knew that he messed something up. His father uses that kind of language only when he's really mad.Dražen sighed, gathering all of his strength that'll be needed to face his father.

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