Chapter 16: Inside

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A/N: Thank you so much for 70k! As always, Beta love to AlmondMilkTeaDoubleBoba, LeilahMoon, and a massive thank you to lost_poetx.

TW: A conversation below references sexual violence, although it's not in any way graphic. If that's not something you can handle, please skip the second scene of this chapter.

Check out my newest fic, Vices, if you haven't yet!

xoxo, carm


Ginny plopped down ungracefully across from Hermione on one of the twin beds in their room at the Burrow. Every Christmas, Molly transfigured a throw pillow into another twin bed and put it with Ginny so the girls could spend more time together.

Tracing the rim of her mug of hot chocolate, Hermione inhaled the warm steam. She let out a contented hum as she closed her eyes and tipped her head back.

"Good?" Ginny chuckled, snuggling back against her pillows.

"Amazing," Hermione replied. "Molly always makes the best hot chocolate. I don't know how she does it."

"I do," Ginny said. "Weasley family secret though. I'll tell you when you marry Ronald."

Grimacing, Hermione replied, "I don't know, Gin, seems like Lavender's after that title pretty heavily." She sighed. "Plus... I don't know, I kind of lost interest," she shrugged, a flush coloring her cheeks.

Ginny's eyebrows shot up. "Really?" she said. "Hm. Interesting." Raising her own mug to her lips, she took a drink.

"Why do you say that?" Hermione asked.

"Well," she started, "you've clearly had a thing for him for awhile, and I saw how you disappeared at the Gryffindor party after his little display." Ginny rolled her eyes. "But you've distanced yourself from him and just let the pair of them be." Her eyes danced. "I wonder why that is?"

The flush on her face deepened. "It's not what you think." She shook her head, feeling the chain of her necklace rubbing against her skin. Absentmindedly, her fingers rose up to play with with the small stone.

Looking up, she caught Ginny's knowing eyes on her and she dropped her fingers. "It's just, I've been so busy, I got caught up. I haven't seen many people besides him. He– he's possessive. Doesn't like to see me with anyone else."

"I know," she said. "I've noticed."

At that, Hermione paled.

"Don't worry," Ginny added casually. "I've kept the boys busy enough so they wouldn't notice. Figured if you needed help you would ask for it."

Hermione let out a breath of relief, much to Ginny's amusement. "Yeah, I would. How did you–"

Ginny scoffed. "Please," she said, "you forget I know you better than almost anyone. Not to mention that I see all the things you don't want the boys to." She tapped a finger to her temple. "Female intuition, you know," she said with a wink.

Sighing, Hermione relaxed her posture, which she hadn't realized had gone rigid during their conversation. "I seriously don't know what I'd do without you, Gin."

"I know," came her reply.

They sat in companionable silence for a while before Ginny piped up, "So, how's the sex?"

Hermione spluttered, choking on the hot chocolate she'd just taken a sip of as it went down the wrong pipe. "What?"

"Don't bullshit me – I know. You're... different. Not to mention after the whole fight a few weeks back you've been... more relaxed, somehow. And I know that that kind of relaxation only comes after a proper shag," she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

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