Chapter 1 || Maniac Driver

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A/N - You can let the song play throughout the chapter! :)
You were driving casually, and obviously following the basic rules of driving. The smell of the sports car filling up your nostrils, the fresh, new scent was mesmerizingly beautiful. The subtle rrr of the car engine acted as if it was some cure to all your worries, like a meditation song. The temporarily blinding light of the street lamps shining through the front window onto your [E/C] shining eyes. Your hands placed confidently on the leathery steering wheel, feeling the soft creases, and the small veins embedded into the leather beneath your palms and finger tips.


With wide eyes, you slammed the breaks in a panic. Growling, teeth gritting together, you hissed in annoyance. After parking on the side of the road, your hand searched for the door handle, tugging on it harshly and opening the door aggressively.

"You! What do you think you're doing?! Is driving some kind of joke t—"

Your breath was stolen out of your lungs as your eyes landed on the maniac driver in the car. The male in the car had his hair messily styled, his bangs perfectly placed between his eyes, two thick strands draping on the sides of his face, covering most of his ears, but leaving a small part of them revealed. His cocoa-colored eyes fluttered over to you, his eyes half-lidded. A relaxed smile curved his lips, making the mischievous glint in his eyes even more childish than it already was. He wore a blue shirt, striped with white lines, beneath its collar, was wrapped a bolo tie held together with a stone; also known as an Opal. His pants were an off-white cream color, and nut-brown shoes to match the color of the bolo tie. Around his broad shoulders laid a sand-colored trench coat, relaxed and lazy, almost like his expression. His arms and lower neck decorated with bandages, almost as if they were ribbons. His pale peach skin glistened under the street lights.

You must have been unconsciously choking on your words since the male had cocked an eyebrow at you curiously.

"I- Sir- what-"

You inhaled sharply, clapping your hands together, looking at him seriously.

"I do believe you are in the fault in this situation, sir."

He reached his bandaged arm to scratch the back of his head as he let out a huff of frustration.

"I apologize deeply, I didn't mean to startle you."

You hesitated, not knowing what else to say. This man had completely emptied your dictionary of words to use in conversations. You cleared your throat, shaking your head, your [H/C] hair slightly bobbing with the movement of your head.

"I-it's no issue, just be more careful next time."

You turned around, walking to your car. Realization hit you like a brick. Oh no. He was your type. Which is something new to you, no one ever achieved your standards so shockingly well.


A voice snapped you out of your fantasy. You craned your neck to the right, [E/C] eyes meeting milk chocolate eyes.


You raised an eyebrow carefully, a smile twisting the ends of your mouth.

"Have I seen you before? I feel like I have."

His charming eyes analyzing every aspect of your face, taking your breath-taking sight in fully.

"Did you really want to ask that, or did you just want to admire me?"

You raised an eyebrow yourself, looking at him with a cocky gaze.

"Maybe both?"

He hummed out huskily, his voice was soothing, like a tranquil ocean on a clear day. You scoffed, rolling your eyes. He was obviously flirting, and honestly? You didn't mind it. Well maybe you did, it was strange, he was a stranger, and now he's flirting with you.

"Okay, I better head home then."

You nodded, pulling the handle of the car outwards and stepping into the car, setting yourself comfortably on the fabric seats.

"Ah, well, it was a blessing to stumble upon you, mi amor."

Snorting to yourself, you shut the door, started up the car, and started driving again, humming a tune to yourself.

However Dazai knew where he saw you. He watched your car drive off into the distance, he knew exactly who you were. Not only did you have a bounty on your head, you were also wanted by most organizations. Two of which were The Guild and the Port Mafia, and both of them had their offers turned down by you. This is what made you so special, so striking to the eye. You were not desperate for someone to come and save you. You were independent. However, the Armed Detective Agency was aiming to get you, and they will.

"Of course I know who you are, [L/N] [Y/N], I don't live under a rock."

Pushing the keys into your keyhole, twisting it gently and forcing the door open, shutting it after yourself. Sighing in relief, taking off your heels and tossing them aside. Walking down your corridor, you leaned on your door frame, yawning in exhaustion. Letting yourself go, you flopped onto the bed, letting the soft, white sheets hug you, and the soft pillows letting your head sink into it calmly. Closing your eyes, letting the sleepy darkness consume you, still in your dress and outside clothes. You were honestly too tired to bother changing your clothes, the chase, the oxygen being stolen from your airways. It was exhausting.

You finally let yourself sink into the pool of darkness of sleep, shallow breaths escaping your mouth as you slept, your brows going from furrowed to relaxed. The wrinkles that were between your brows disappearing almost instantly.

Little did you know, tomorrow was going to be even longer than today.

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