Chapter 8 || Smug

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You weren't even sure what happened, one second Dazai was smiling smugly up at Kunikida, and the other, he was forced to take a step back because of the impact of the punch.

His eyes were slightly wide at the shock, his lips parted slightly as he didn't even get enough time to process this. He looked up from the ground and at Kunikida, his eyes slightly dull. He let a giggle slip past his lips, and one giggled turned into two, and then three and soon enough he was having a fit of giggles.

"All this because I was late, and I said that you were having a hissy fit?"

You didn't understand how Dazai was laughing. He'd just been punched in the face, he might even have a broken nose. He had a busted lip, and a bloody nose. For some reason you couldn't stand the fact that Dazai was hurt. You were about to reverse time, but you realized it won't do anything to Dazai.

"Kunikida stop."

You said sternly, the taller blonde male turned around to face you.

"Punching him won't make a difference, and it won't make you feel better either. As annoying as Dazai is, you shouldn't react like that."

The blonde only looked at you, he knew he messed up, he knew he let anger blind him like a bull seeing red.

"Now if you'll excuse me, let me take Dazai to Yasano to get him fixed up."

You dragged Dazai after you to the medical room.
After telling Yasano what happened, the female doctor only sighed in annoyance as she gently patted the cotton pad on Dazai's busted bleeding lip.

"Dazai you should really be more careful."

Yasano warned like a mother caring for her son, Dazai only shrugged.

"I think he deserves getting a few words that piss him off. I did nothing wrong."

Dazai would never admit he was wrong, he assumes it's a sign of weakness.

"Maybe you should actually try doing your work once?"

Dazai stayed quiet for a few moments, he said nothing, he only watch Yasano treat his bruises and nose.

"That man has quite the punch."

Dazai chuckled softly, his chuckle getting cut short as he let out a 'tsss hah!' Of pain


The male howled in pain like a child, flinching away from the doctor. She only sighed in response to his childish behavior. To your surprise you found it kind of cute. He's still annoying though, just cuter.

After getting the bandaged male fixed up. He had a bandage on his eyes due to having a black eye from the punch.

"Keep your mouth shut next time, will you?"

You asked with a sigh, rolling your eyes in the process. Dazai only smiled at you and stuffed his hands into his pockets, the stray curls of his hair bouncing gently.


You didn't know why, but you stopped in your tracks raising a brow towards him curiously.

"I'm smug what can I say?"

If he wasn't injured, you're pretty sure you would've drilled you hand into his face. This man doesn't know when to quit, does he?! You thought in disbelief. That annoying smile irked you even more, he was tantalizing you, seeing how much you can actually take.

"Do whatever you want, but if you come over to me going "[Y/N]! [Y/N]! I got punched in the face again! I need your help!" I will not help." You made your voice a little more high-pitched while mimicking him.

"One I do not sound like that, and two I will definitely do that." Dazai pointed out.

You decided to ignore him and put in your earphones so you could listen to your music to drown out the brunette's desperate whines for you to give him attention.

You obviously ignored him and paid attention to your work, until suddenly the screen turned black. You saw your reflection in it. Oh no, oh boy. You were going to strangle the maniac beside you.

"What did you just do?" You spat out venomously.

"I turned it off."

You stared at him, blinking a few times.

"IM GOING TO STRANGLE YOU—" You scowled angrily, glaring daggers at him.

"Oh to die in the hands of a beautiful woman like you! What a dream!" Dazai said with a bright smile spread  across his face.


A/N - AHHH I'M SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THIS STORY IN SO LONG ESPECIALLY BECAUSE THIS CHAPTER IS SO SMALL TOO. I've been feeling really demotivated to do anything lately so it's just been kinda tough, but Eid break is right around the corner, so let's hope I can update regularly again!

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