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It was hardly the first week into the semester and Darcy, Ariela, and Madeline had already been caught smoking on school grounds, and the principal had called them in for a lecture.
The three of them sat in the office, nervously waiting for the principal to arrive. The room was filled with a heavy silence, and the only sound that could be heard was the ticking of a clock on the wall.

Darcy studied the carpet, her hair falling over her eyes. Ariela was staring off into the blank wall, her eyes focused on nothing in particular. Madeline was the only one still smoking, taking slow, deliberate drags off her cigarette.

The door opened, and in walked the principal. He didn't even look at the students as he silently rounded his desk and took a seat.

"Do you three know why you're here?" he asked, his voice stern.

Darcy, Ariela, and Madeline all shook their heads. in unison. Although, they knew exactly why they were there. It was the same reason they were here three times a month last school year. 

"You're here," he said, "because you were seen smoking on school grounds." Principal Figgins deadpanned, in which Ariela only continued to chew the piece of gum in her mouth; her arms crossed over her torso. 

"I am not going to just let this incident go," the principal continued. 

"You three are going to have to do something extra for me to make up for your mistake." 

The three of them looked up, curious. "I'm sure you've heard about the school's glee club." Principal Figgins said. "I want you three to participate."

Ariela threatened to laugh. "Glee club?"

october 8th.

Darcy lit his cigarette, handing the lighter to Ariela, "so why'd you apply again?"

Ariela huffed, "my dad threatened to send me off to that fucking boarding school in Maine, he cant afford it anyway, but still, I'm not about to have that argument with my dad. we fight enough as it is."

Darcy chuckled, "your dad's a bitch."

Ariela snarled, "really?" she asked in a sarcastic tone, he smiled mockingly back causing her to wink at him, taking another puff of smoke, "Darcy Ellis, Madeline Ailey and Ariela Bliss, please report to my office, now." Principal Figgins announced over the intercom, the trio groaned, Madeline stood up, opening the door for Darcy and Ariela, they followed her in and made their way to his office. Mr Schuester sat in a chair, Figgins eyed the three, they squished in the doorway, closing the door behind them as they stood against the open wall, Darcy clenched his jaw when the three older role models gave them a disappointing look, Ariela reclined her head back, leaning it on the wall, "can we get this over with?" she whined, "Ariela, Darcy, Madeline, a student reported that you were all smoking on school property." Figgins retorted,

Darcy rolled his eyes, "its not like we were hiding,"

Mr Schuester's face palmed,

"either way, smoking on school property is prohibited!"

"Come on, It's the last day of school." Ariela tried to push,

Madeline was now the one to roll her eyes, "just give us our punishment so we can leave."

Figgins sighed, "two weeks of summer detention."

Darcy snarled, "we spend the whole school year in detention anyway."

"and this fall, join the glee club."

october, 20

I BARELY KNOW YOU ✸ Jesse St. JamesWhere stories live. Discover now