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the lights in the auditorium flickered on, Jesse and Ariela separated immediately as they saw the glee club standing right there, walking towards them, Ariela's eyes widened as they got angrier, "guys-"

Darcy cut her off, holding a hand out to stop her from speaking, "you're hanging around with him?"

Jesse clenched his jaw, stepping forward to meet Darcy, "what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"it means, that you aren't good enough for her. do you wanna tell her, man, or should I?" he challenged, Jesse's face reddened and his eyes were glistening of fire, he pushed Darcy forward, causing him to throw a punch Jesse's way, hitting his jaw, Jesse grabbed his face in pain as he tried to punch back but his fist was stopped, Darcy smirked at him, pushing him on the ground as he kicked his stomach, getting on top of him and releasing his anger, the group tried to get Darcy off of Jesse but it was no use, it was like he couldn't hear them, thankfully, moments later, Mr Schuester comes in, him and Finn attempting to pull Darcy off, when they managed, they took him straight to principal Figgins while Ariela kneeled down next to Jesse, he was losing consciousness as the blood from his eyebrow dripped down the side of his face, his nose had looked broken and his lip was cut, Ariela ran a hand through Jesse's hair, trying to calm him, the rest of the club just stood back speechless, "go get the goddamn nurse!"

Ariela's leg bounced up and down, anxiously waiting to see Jesse. the nurse said his nose was broken and needed help that she couldn't provide so they took him to the hospital instead, Madeline squeezed her hand lightly, "he's gonna be okay. It's just a broken nose."

"I know that but I'm just anxious about the whole fucking situation."

Madeline huffed, the nurse walked into the waiting room, "You can come on back, his nose is fine and he'll just be off of school for a day or two, depending on how bad the pain is, we called his parents, they're on their way so you can see him until they get here."

Ariela nodded, standing up and following the blonde, the duo came to a stop, the nurse opened the door, giving Ariela access to his room, she walked up to him, he turned his head, smiling sheepishly at her, she smiled softly back, "how are you feeling?"

he shrugged, "fine," he slurred his words, barely focusing on Ariela, she chuckled, "they put you on a lot of medicine?"

"I guess.. but I don't even know why I'm here," he whined,

"Darcy beat you up." she frowned,

"oh yeah," he breathed, "i remember now, he was like 'do you want to tell her or should I?' and I got really upset because he was about to expose me. funny story actually, one day, me and the rest of Vocal Adrenaline were hanging out and so Tamera," a grin took over his features, "she thought it would be really funny if i were to ask you out and make you fall in love with me, then i would leave you weeks before regionals since you're the best on their team and if i got you all depressed, you would quit or at least not sing well."

as the words came off his tongue, at first, Ariela thought he was just messing with her, or maybe it was the drugs talking but her smile faded as she read his eyes, he hadn't been lying, tears blurred her vision as she stormed off, walking back into the waiting room as Madeline's head perched up, she saw her best friend standing there with a tear falling down her face, she stood up, giving her a hug as she immediately knew that she found out, that it was all a game.

I BARELY KNOW YOU ✸ Jesse St. JamesWhere stories live. Discover now