Chapter 3.

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As the Rainbow sun continued its journey, the coaches eventually became empty as Lily sat inside. Being a city girl, she was used to noise and so began to play her harmonica with the beat that train made on the tracks. As this was happening, she didn't notice her grandfather in a phone booth as the engine passed it.

"Hello?" Burnett greeted solemnly. "Stacy, this is Burnett. My granddaughter, Lily hasn't arrived at the station at Muffle Mountain. Is it possible that she came to Shining-Time?"

"Probably." Stacy replied. "But I won't know until for sure until the rainbow sun arrives. I promise that I will have this sorted out."

"Thanks." Burnett replied, as he then ended the call.

As Burnett then headed back to Muffle Mountain, little did he know that Boomer had grabbed a pickaxe and began to dig on a field, not giving a care for the flowers. As he then watched him from afar, Patch grew concerned as his horse became more and more nervous.

"I don't blame you pal." Patch said to his horse as he tried to soothe him. "This man is obviously wishing to bring harm to us and our valley. Though not directly, he is still one we should worry about. So we better tell Billy."

As Patch then had his horse turn around, he galloped off as fast he could, not willing to stop until Boomer was out of sight. Meanwhile, back on the Rainbow Sun, Lily looked out of her window, raised an eyebrow, as she saw the station come into view.

"Shining-Time?" She quizzed. "Did I get on the wrong train?"

As Lily began to grow many questions, she suddenly spotted Mutt on the platform, making it very obvious that she wanted her to come here. As Lily disembarked, Billy climbed down into the nearby meadow where Patch and his horse galloped in.

"Mr. Twofeathers!" Patch cried. "I spotted someone who's possibly a threat. He's right up there in Muffle Mountain digging for something."

"Pete Boomer." Billy Sighed knowingly. "I'm not a hundred percent sure, but he's probably looking for something related to an engine. Or that's what I believe from hearing his arguments with Burnett."

As Patch then looked towards the fields leading to the mountain he couldn't help but notice a pair of shadowy lines where nothing grew.

"Maybe," He thought. "Those are the mysterious railroad lines I saw on the map."

As Patch grew more and more curious, he knew that he had to find the engine before Boomer did. Meanwhile, as Lily entered into the station, she found it very quiet and empty, with no-one apart from Stacy inside. As she then sat down next to the mural, she looked at Mutt with a face of great confusion.

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked. "Where is everyone?"

As Lily then began to grow more and more questions, she suddenly heard a clang from within the mural of the signalhouse. As she then knocked on the door, an unfamiliar voice sounded from within.

"Oh! Hello?!" It said, as Junior then appeared out of a cloud of gold in front of the little red door. "Hey there. Who are you?" Junior greeted.

"I'm Lily." Lily replied. "Who are you?"

"C Junior at your service." Junior replied proudly. "Now did I drop a pair of sunglasses when I appeared?"

"Beats me." Lily Shrugged as Junior then tried to open the door.

"Oh bother!" Junior cried. "Why did I have to lose the key?"

"Is everything alright?" Lily asked.

Thomas and the Gold-Dust Crisis.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें