Update on TATGDC and Sequels.

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Okay, so it's been a while since I revealed my plans for making a sequel for Thomas and the Gold Dust Crisis, and I still intend to make it. However, some time ago, I decided to try to one day to adapt this story and the ones after it into an oo gauge film. As the picture above shows, I have Thomas in the works. Please note that this picture is outdated, and Thomas has had some changes since then, like some changes in painting decisions, and being well.. repainted. "But what does this have to do with the title of this update?" Well after some really good ideas for scenes I could've added in came into my head, I realized that if I want to make a film of this story and its sequels, then I need to make an entire revision of this story first. One that has plot holes placed in on purpose, that would help hint towards an event within the second movie, as well as fix things up within the initial story of TATMR. In short, I plan to revise Thomas and the Gold Dust Crisis so it can fit better in the bigger picture of the puzzle I want to make.  One that has the scenes and minor changes of character roles that I want to make, as well as ensure that new villains and heroes of this take of the TATMR universe are not just random or unexpected. Anyways, I hope you guys can understand my reasoning for wanting to make this revision, as well as hope that you're all excited for it. I wish you all a good day or night whether you are.

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