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Zeenat's pov

After preparing breakfast for my husband Abdullah and my daughter Bintu, I packaged my daughter's lunch bag, 2 bobo, 2 biscuits, fried yam and sauce in her food flask and water bottle, her class teacher Mrs Ibrahim is my friend(not close friend) she promised to help me take care of my daughter after school since my daughter is the only nursery one student that wait in school for islamiyyah and Mrs Ibrahim usually teach class 3 in islamiyyah.

"Babe I'm going already, take care" I heard my husband's voice from the door as he entered his car and zoomed off, he used to take our daughter to school before but then stopped claiming that 'my daughter is a talkative' and he won't be able to concentrate while driving if she continues to disturb, he said he'd continue taking her to school when she grows up and act mature....

Abdullah has always been like that, a month after our wedding he came back home early from work, his closing time has always been 2pm but he came back 12pm that day 'today marks one month since we got married and I feel like we should get to know each other better that's why I'm back from work early' he said smiling, I knew from that moment that he meant business and any mistake will land me to trouble, apart from our first week where he stayed at home with me he's always at work from morning till afternoon, he said he wouldn't want to starve his beautiful bride so he's got to work hard, so I gave him all my attention as 'we were getting to know each other better' something i thought I knew before marrying him, he told me he had rules I shouldn't break, he brought out a paper and handed it to me that I shouldn't forget any rule so we should live happily, he asked me if I had rules too but I felt it was stupid giving our partners rules, who does that?! If I had known I wouldn't have accepted it, I should have known that him giving me rules as his wife was not a good thing....and will never be.

one of his best rule is 'no disturbance'  I remembered his answer when I asked him what he meant by no disturbance, I mean, why will you tell your newly wife that you don't like disturbance as if she is a talkative or something

'what is confusing here? I said I don't like disturbance, I know you're not a talkative and I know you don't disturb just like that but i have to tell you the one thing I don't like, which is someone disturbing me while I'm sleeping or resting, if you want to remind me to pray or any important thing, you can leave it until i wake up, I don't want to develop headache because of you, I get angry easily'

even though he said that smiling
I knew he was not joking and I couldn't say anything then, I kept quiet

'why should i disrespect my husband by questioning him? Or is it a bad thing? Should i talk to an elder? why should I go and tell my mom that my husband gave me rules in our house and told me himself that if I should break any rule he can do things to me out of anger, that's like a serious thing right? But why should i tell my mom about it when he said it smiling? Why should I complain to my mom 1 month after wedding? What is the big deal in having some few rules in my marriage life? Its not like its a new thing, its normal to have one or two or more rules, its the best way to know your partner' i thought

Me and Abdullah married out of love so I understand him well, he is trying all his best to make our marriage work and I love him for that.

  One thing I didn't know at that time was that the rules are not just for me alone, our children are supposed to follow the rules too.

When I got pregnant few months after our wedding, Abdullah would drive me to the other room(our present room) telling me that I should suffer alone because he's sure the baby won't grow up to understand his hustle and endurance, one thing Abdullah loves doing is using hurtful words to joke, he would say something bad or hurtful and laugh afterwards like its normal.

When I gave birth to Bintu, Abdullah loved her so much he would play with her until she cries and then he would hand her over, and lock himself in his room, when Bintu was in her tenth month, when she started crawling, she would disturb, shout and scatter everything close to her and that was what made him changed towards her

Abdullah started beating Bintu since from then claiming he's just disciplining his daughter, even at that Bintu would crawl to his room anytime he left his door open and mess up his room, wake him up when he sleeps with her noise(play) or cries, and he beats her each time.

Four years of our marriage Abdullah never for once change any of his rule nor have he stopped beating our daughter, she is a very stubborn girl and a talkative too, she never listens and she still love her dad at that.

"Ummmmmmmi!!!!!!!" Bintu shouted bringing me out of my thoughts

"Yes baby, what is wrong?" I said squating down to her level

"Chkwool chkwool" she said amidst tears in her baby voice

Oooops was lost in thoughts that I forgot I was supposed to take her to school "sorry baby, let's go to school" I said picking her lunch bag as we left the house to go look for taxi that will take her to school.

We boarded a taxi and I dropped her, I went to Mr Ibrahim's class and greeted her so she won't feel like I'm not even checking up on her after all what she's doing for me, you know some people and greetings, I left the school and headed home to do my house chores and rest for a while before cooking for my husband and daughter, as a full house wife, this is my daily routine.

Woahhh!! I tried abi?🤗🤗❤ i learnt that not all of us like reading long chapters, so i try not to fill you up with long boring chapters😁

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